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Open Workshop “Modelling and AI for Integration of Cyber and Physical World”
JST-Mirai Program: Realization of a Super Smart Society (Society 5.0) Area

On May 25, 2018, JST held the open workshop titled “Modelling and AI for Integration of Cyber and Physical World” at the ITOKI Tokyo Innovation Center(SYNQA), as a part of studies for FY2018 new prioritized theme of the Realization of a Super Smart Society (Society 5.0) Area under the JST-Mirai Program.

We pick up the idea that the integration of modeling & simulation technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI)/machine learning technology can accelerate technological development. For that, close cooperation in these research communities need to be enhanced. The purpose of the workshop was to indicate technical challenges and application areas through discussions.

A total of 77 participants attended, including researchers of modeling & simulation and AI/machine learning and prospective users of these technologies. Attendees and 14 speakers developed discussions actively by facilitation of Dr. Akira Maeda, the R&D supervisor.

The topics highlighted were: issues and possibilities of the utilization of AI on the modeling side, accountability of the learning data and results led by AI on the AI side, and prediction accuracy and credibility of these technologies as common subjects on both sides. Interactive discussion provided a good opportunity for all participants to deepen their understandings of both modeling & simulation technology and AI/machine learning technology.


JST, an integrated organization of science and technology in Japan, establishes an infrastructure for the entire process from the creation of knowledge to the return to the society. For more information, visit http://www.jst.go.jp/EN/