科学技術振興機構 さきがけ エピジェネティクスの制御と生命機能 エピジェネティクスの制御と生命機能さきがけ独立行政法人科学技術振興機構


牧 信安 (Nobuyasu Maki)

(corresponding author に*印をしています。)




  1. Maki N* and Kimura H. Epigenetics and Regeneration. Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immun.Vol367,2013,pp237-252
  2. Suetsugu-Maki, R., Maki, N., Nakamura K., Sumanas K., Zhu J., Del Rio-Tsonis, K., and Tsonis, PA. (2012) Lens regeneration in axolotl: new evidence of developmental plasticity. BMC Biol. 10, 103
  3. Sousounis K., Michel C., Bruckskotten M., Maki N., Borchardt T., Braun T., Looso M., and Tsonis, P.A. A microarray analysis of gene expression patterns during early phases of newt lens regeneration. Mol. Vis. in press
  4. Sousounis, K., Looso, M., Maki, N., Ivester, CJ., Braun T., Tsonis, PA. Transcriptome analysis of newt lens regeneration reveals distinct gradients in gene expression patterns. PLOS One. in press
  5. Voss, SR., Putta, S., Walker, JA., Smith, JJ., Maki, N., Tsonis, PA. Salamander Hox clusters contain repetitive DNA and expanded non-coding regions: a typical Hox structure for non-mammalian tetrapod vertebrates? Human Genomics in press
  6. Tsonis PA, Haynes T, Maki N, Nakamura K, Casco-Robles MM, Yamada S, Miura T, Chiba C, Rio-Tsonis KD. Controlling gene loss of function in newts with emphasis on lens regeneration. Nat Protoc (2011) 6(5), 593-599
  7. Casco-Robles MM, Yamada S, Miura T, Nakamura K, Haynes T, Maki N, Del Rio-Tsonis K, Tsonis PA, Chiba C. Expressing exogenous genes in newts by transgenesis. Nat Protoc (2011) 6(5), 600-8.
  8. Suetsugu-Maki R, Maki N, Fox TP, Nakamura K, Cowper Solari R, Tomlinson CR, Qu H, Lambris JD, Tsonis PA. A complement receptor C5a antagonist regulates epithelial to mesenchymal transition and crystallin expression after lens cataract surgery in mice. Mol Vis (2011) 17, 949-964.
  9. *Maki N, Suetsugu-Maki R, Sano S, Nakamura K, Nishimura O, Tarui H, Del Rio-Tsonis K, Ohsumi K, Agata K, *Tsonis PA. Oocyte-type linker histone B4 is required for transdifferentiation of somatic cells in vivo. FASEB J (2010) 24, 3462-3467.
  10. Maki N, *Tsonis PA, *Agata K. Changes in global histone modifications during dedifferentiation in newt lens regeneration. Mol Vis (2010) 16, 1893-1897.
  11. Nakamura K, Maki N, Trinh A, Trask HW, Gui J, Tomlinson CR, *Tsonis PA. miRNAs in newt lens regeneration: specific control of proliferation and evidence for miRNA networking. PLoS One (2010) 5, e12058.
  12. Maki N, Martinson J, Nishimura O, Tarui H, Meller J, Tsonis PA, *Agata K. Expression profiles during dedifferentiation in newt lens regeneration revealed by expressed sequence tags. Mol Vis (2009) 16, 72-78.
  13. +Maki N, +Suetsugu-Maki R, Tarui H, Agata K, Del Rio-Tsonis K, *Tsonis PA. Expression of stem cell pluripotency factors during regeneration in newts. Dev Dyn (2009) 238, 1613-1616. +, equal contribution 6. *Maki N, Takechi K, Sano S, Tarui H, Sasai Y, *Agata K. Rapid accumulation of nucleostemin in nucleolus during newt regeneration. Dev Dyn (2007) 236, 941-950.
  14. *Maki N, Takechi K, Sano S, Tarui H, Sasai Y, *Agata K. Rapid accumulation of nucleostemin in nucleolus during newt regeneration. Dev Dyn (2007) 236, 941-950.
  15. Murakami T, Maki N, Nishida-Umehara C, Matsuda Y, *Agata K. Establishment of high-resolution FISH mapping system and its application for molecular cytogenetic characterization of chromosomes in newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster (Urodela, Amphibia). Chromosome Res (2007) 15, 471-484.
  16. Maki N, *Yamashita O. The 30kP protease A responsible for 30-kDa yolk protein degradation of the silkworm, Bombyx mori: cDNA structure, developmental change and regulation by feeding. Insect Biochem Mol Biol (2001) 31, 407-413.
  17. Maki N, *Yamashita O. Purification and characterization of a protease degrading 30 kDa yolk proteins of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Insect Biochem Mol Biol (1997) 27, 721-728.


  1. 牧 信安, 梶浦善太, 中垣雅雄, *武井隆三
    カイコ赤血突然変異体における赤 色色素・タンパク質複合体の精製と同定,および組織キサントチンの量変化. 日本 蚕糸学雑誌 (1995) 64(1), 46-55.


  1. 牧 信安, 阿形清和
    イモリの脱分化過程における体細胞核の再編成.・蛋白質 核酸 酵素. (2006) 2240-2244.


  1. Maki N, Suetsugu-Maki R, Tarui H, Ohsumi K, Agata K, Tsonis PA. Oocyte-type linker histone B4 mediates transdifferentiation of somatic cells in newt regeneration. 第82回日本生化学会, Kobe, 2009.
  2. Maki N, Nuclear regulation during newt lens regeneration. CDB Seminar, Kobe, 2008.
  3. 牧 信安
    イモリの再生研究 -核の視点から-. ノートルダム清心女子高等学校, 岡山, 2007.
  4. Maki N, Murakami T, Takechi T, Tarui H, Ohsumi K, Matsuda Y, Agata K. Nuclear reorganization during dedifferentiation of differentiated cells. 第 57回染色体学会, Chiba, 2006.
  5. Maki N, Murakami T, Takechi K, Ohsumi K, Matsuda Y, Agata K. Structural analysis of nuclear reprogramming during newt dedifferentiation process. 第 75回日本動物学会, Kobe, 2004.
  6. Maki N, Murakami T, Imokawa Y, Matsuda Y, Agata K. Visualization of nuclear reorganization during lens regeneration in newt. CDB symposium, Kobe, 2003.