科学技術振興機構 さきがけ エピジェネティクスの制御と生命機能 エピジェネティクスの制御と生命機能さきがけ独立行政法人科学技術振興機構


近藤 豊 (Yutaka Kondo)

(corresponding author に*印をしています。)


  1. Katsushima K, Shinjo K, Natsume A, Ohka F, Fujii M, Osada H, Sekido Y, Kondo Y.,Contribution of MicroRNA-1275 to Claudin11 Protein Suppression via a Polycomb-mediated Silencing Mechanism in Human Glioma Stem-like Cells.,J Biol Chem.Vol287,No33 pp27396-27406
  2. Xue X, Gao W, Sun B, Xu Y, Han B, Wang F, Zhang Y, Sun J, Wei J, Lu Z, Zhu Y, Sato Y, Sekido Y, Miao Y, Kondo Y,Vasohibin 2 is transcriptionally activated and promotes angiogenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma,Oncogene (2012)1-2
  3. Shinjo K, Okamoto Y, An B, Yokoyama T, Takeuchi I, Fujii M, Osada H, Usami N, Hasegawa Y, Ito H, Hida T, Fujimoto N, Kishimoto T, Sekido Y, Kondo Y.,Integrated analysis of genetic and epigenetic alterations reveals CpG island methylator phenotype associated with distinct clinical characters of lung adenocarcinoma,Carcinogenesis.vol33 no.7 pp.1277-2012
  4. Ju H, An B, Okamoto Y, Shinjo K, Kanemitsu Y, Komori K, Hirai T, Shimizu Y, Sano T, Sawaki A, Tajika M, Yamao K, Fujii M, Murakami H, Osada H, Ito H, Takeuchi I, Sekido Y, Kondo Y. Distinct Profiles of Epigenetic Evolution between Colorectal Cancers with and without Metastasis. Am J Pathol.2011 Apr:178(4):1835-46
  5. Estecio MR, Gallegos J, Vallot C, Castoro RJ, Chung W, Maegawa S, Oki Y, Kondo Y, Jelinek J, Shen L, Hartung H, Aplan PD, Czerniak BA, Liang S, Issa JP. Genome architecture marked by retrotransposons modulates predisposition to DNA methylation in cancer. Genome Res. (in press)
  6. An B, Kondo Y,*, Okamoto Y, Shinjo K, Kanemitsu Y, Komori K, Hirai T, Sawaki A, Tajika M, Nakamura T, Yamao K, Yatabe Y, Fujii M, Murakami H, Osada H, Tani T, Matsuo K, Shen L, Issa JPJ, Sekido Y. A characteristic methylation profile in CpG island methylator phenotype-negative distal colorectal cancers. Int J Cancer. 127: 2095-105, 2010.
  7. Shen L, Kantarjian H, Guo Y, Lin E, Shan J, Huang X, Berry D, Ahmed S, Zhu W, Pierce S, Kondo Y, Oki Y, Jelinek J, Hussain S, Estey E, Issa JPJ. DNA methylation predicts survival and response to therapy in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes. J Clin Oncol. 28:605-13, 2010.
  8. Goto Y, Shinjo K, Kondo Y,*, Shen L, Toyota M, Suzuki H, Gao W, An B, Fujii M, Murakami H, Osada H, Taniguchi T, Usami N, Kondo M, Hasegawa Y, Shimokata K, Matsuo K, Hida T, Fujimoto N, Kishimoto T, Issa JPJ, Sekido Y. Epigenetic profiles distinguish malignant pleural mesothelioma from lung adenocarcinoma. Cancer Res. 69: 9073-82, 2009.
  9. Gao W, Kondo Y,*, Shen L, Shimizu Y, Sano T, Yamao K, Natsume A, Goto Y, Ito M, Murakami H, Osada H, Zhang J, Issa JPJ, Sekido Y. Variable DNA methylation patterns associated with progression of disease in hepatocellular carcinomas. Carcinogenesis. 29 : 1901-10, 2008.
  10. Osada H, Tomida S, Yatabe Y, Tatematsu Y, Takeuchi T, Murakami H, Kondo Y,, Sekido Y, Takahashi T. Roles of ASH1 in DKK1 and E-cadherin repression and neuroendocrine differentiation in lung cancer. Cancer Res. 68 : 1647-55, 2008.
  11. Boumber YA, Kondo Y, Chen X, Shen L, Guo Y, Tellez C, Estecio MR, Ahmed S, Issa JP. An Sp1/Sp3 binding polymorphism confers methylation protection. PLoS Genet. 4 : e1000162, 2008.
  12. Kondo Y,*, Shen L, Ahmed S, Boumber Y, Sekido Y, Haddad BR, Issa JP. Downregulation of Histone H3 Lysine 9 Methyltransferase G9a Induces Centrosome Disruption and Chromosome Instability in Cancer Cells. PloS One. 3 : e2037, 2008.
  13. Kondo Y,, Shen L, Cheng A, Ahmed S, Boumber Y, Charo C, Yamochi T, Urano T, Furukawa K, Kwabi-Addo B, Gold D, Sekido Y, Huang T, Issa JP. Gene silencing in cancer by histone H3 lysine 27 tri-methylation independent of promoter DNA methylation. Nat Genet. 40 : 741-750, 2008.
  14. Shen L, Kondo Y, Guo Y, Zhang J, Zhang L, Ahmed S, Shu J, Chen X, Waterland RA, Issa JPJ. Genome-wide profiling of DNA methylation reveals a class of normally methylated CpG island promoters. PLoS Genet. 3: 2023-36, 2007.
  15. Shen L, Toyota M,Kondo Y,Lin E, Zhang L, Guo Y, Hernandez NS, Chen X, Ahmed S, Konishi K, Hamilton SR, Issa JP. Integrated genetic and epigenetic analysis identifies three different subclasses of colon cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104 : 18654-9, 2007.
  16. Boumber YA, Kondo Y, Chen X, Shen L, Gharibyan V, Konishi K, Estey E, Kantarjian H, Garcia-Manero G, Issa JPJ. RIL, a LIM gene on 5q31, is silenced by methylation in cancer and sensitizes cancer cells to apoptosis. Cancer Res. 67: 1997-2005, 2007.
  17. Shen L, Kondo Y, Rosner GL, Xiao L, Hernandez NS, Vilaythong J, Houlihan PS, Krouse RS, Prasad AR, Einspahr JG, Buckmeier J, Alberts DS, Hamilton SR, Issa JPJ. MGMT methylation and the field defect in sporadic colorectal cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 97 : 1330-8, 2005.
  18. Kondo Y, Shen L, Yan PS, Huang THM, Issa JPJ. Chromatin immunoprecipitation microarrays for identification of genes silenced by histone H3 lysine 9 methylation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 101: 7398-403, 2004.
  19. Kondo Y, Shen L, Issa JP. Critical role of histone methylation in tumor suppressor gene silencing in colorectal cancer. Mol Cell Biol. 23 : 206-15, 2003.
  20. Kondo Y, Shen L, Issa JP. Enrichment for histone H3 lysine 9 methylation at Alu repeats in human cells. J Biol Chem. 278 : 27658-62, 2003.
  21. Shen L,Kondo Y, Hamilton SR, Rashid A, Issa JPJ. P14 methylation in human colon cancer is associated with microsatellite instability and wild-type p53. Gastroenterology. 124: 626-33, 2003.
  22. Shen L, Kondo Y, Issa JPJ, Garcia-Manero G. Lack of p21(CIP1) DNA methylation in acute lymphocytic leukemia. Blood. 100: 3432-3. 2002.
  23. Kondo Y,Kanai Y, Sakamoto M, Mizokami M, Ueda R, Hirohashi S. Genetic instability and aberrant DNA methylation in chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis-A comprehensive study of loss of heterozygosity and microsatellite instability at 39 loci and DNA hypermethylation on 8 CpG islands in microdissected specimens from patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology. 32 : 970-9, 2000.
  24. Kondo Y, Kanai Y, Sakamoto M, Mizokami M, Ueda R, Hirohashi S. Microsatellite instability associated with hepatocarcinogenesis, J Hepatol. 31: 529-36, 1999.

欧文著書 & 総説

  1. Kondo Y, Issa JP. DNA methylation profiling in cancer. Expert Rev Mol Med. 12: e23, 2010.
  2. Kondo Y, Chapter 12 - Epigenetic Changes in Hepatic Tissues: Evidence of Field Cancerization.Field Cancerization: Basic Science and Clinical Applications. Gabriel D. Dakubo. Nova Science Publishers. 2010
  3. Natsume A, Kondo Y, Ito M, Motomura K, Wakabayashi T, Yoshida J. Epigenetic aberrations and therapeutic implications in gliomas. Cancer Sci. 101: 1331-6, 2010.
  4. Kondo Y,Chromatin Remodeling. Encyclopedia in Cancer. Schwab M. Springer. 662-665. 2009.
  5. Suzuki H, Toyota M, Kondo Y, Shinomura Y. Chapter 5: Inflammation-related aberrant patterns of DNA methylation: detection and role in epigenetic deregulation of cancer cell transcriptome. Methods in Molecular Medicine. Kozlov SV. Humana Press. 55-69. 2009.
  6. Kondo Y,Epigenetic cross-talk between DNA methylation and histone modifications in human cancers. Yonsei Med J. 50: 455-63, 2009.
  7. Kondo Y,Issa JP. Chapter 5: Chromatin immunoprecipitation for microarray analysis. Promoter and CpG Island Microarrays. Winegarden NA, Takahashi M. DNA Press. 77-88. 2006.
  8. Kondo Y, Issa JP. Epigenetic changes in colorectal cancer. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 23: 29-39, 2004.

和文著書 & 総説

  1. 新城恵子、近藤 豊.
    「エピジェネティクスのがん診断への応用」(牛島俊和、塩田邦郎、田嶋正二、吉田稔 編)
    実験医学 エピジェネティクスと疾患 144-153. 羊土社. 2010.
  2. 新城恵子、近藤 豊. 
    がん細胞の可塑性とエピジェネティクスを標的とする治療開発. 癌と化学療法. 37: 1654-1658. 2010.
  3. 岡本泰幸、近藤 豊.
    消化器がんにおけるヒストン修飾. G.I.Research. 2009; 17: 111-7.
  4. 近藤 豊.
    がんにおけるヒストン修飾異常の役割. 最新医学. 63: 763-70. 2008.
  5. 近藤 豊.
    がんにおけるエピジェネティクス異常. 医学のあゆみ. 225: 551-8. 2008
  6. 近藤 豊.
    「Pyrosequencing (パイロシークエンス法)」 (牛島俊和、眞貝洋一 編)
    エピジェネティクス実験プロトコール. 羊土社. 77-91. 2008.
  7. 近藤 豊.
    造血器腫瘍におけるエピジェネティクスの役割. がん分子標的治療. 3: 202-10. 2005.
  8. 近藤 豊.
    「ヒストンのメチル化とアセチル化」 (押村光雄 編)
    わかる実験医学シリーズ:注目のエピジェネティクスがわかる. 羊土社. 37-44. 2004.

発表 & 講演

  1. Kondo Y.「Epigenetics-new horizons in Japan and Scandinavia-」Epigenetic plasticity regulated by polycomb repressive compex-mediated histone H3 lysine 27 trimethylation as a novel target for human glioblastoma treatment. Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) Sweden-Japan Joint Colloquium. Stockholm. 2010.
  2. Kondo Y. Sekido Y.「New Molecular Target Therapy and Signal Transduction」Targeting Epigenetic Plasticity as a Novel Treatment for Human Neoplasia. The 15th Aichi International Cancer Symposium. Nagoya. 2010.
  3. Kondo Y. Epigenetic Analysis in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Mice with Humanized Liver. Sapporo Cancer Epigenetics Workshop of the A3 Foresight Program and the First Sapporo International Seminar on Cancer Epigenetics. Sapporo. 2010.
  4. Kondo Y. Clinical implications of DNA methylation in gastrointestinal malignancies. 5th Asian Epigenomics Meeting and A3 Symposium 2010 in Korea. Jeju. 2010.
  5. Kondo Y.「At the Front of Epigenetic Research」Cross-talk of DNA methylation and histone methylation in human cancers. Avison Biomedical Symposium. Seoul. 2009.
  6. Kondo Y.「DNA Methylation & Chromatin Remodeling in Cancer」Role of DNA methylation and histone modifications in human neoplasia. The 18th CRI Cancer Symposium. Seoul. 2009.
  7. Kondo Y.「Epigenetics in Development and Disease Conference」Role of histone H3 lysine 27 tri-methylation in human brain tumor-propagating cells. The 4th Asian Epigenomics Meeting. Singapore. 2009.
  8. Kondo Y.Shen L, Cheng A, Ahmed S, Boumber Y, Sekido Y, Huang T, Issa JP.「Cancer Epigenetics」 Gene silencing in cancer by histone H3 lysine 27 tri-methylation independent of promoter DNA methylation. AACR special conference in Cancer Research, Cancer Epigenetics. Boston. 2008.
  9. Kondo Y.「Histone modifications: basic and translational perspectives」Role of histone H3 lysine 27 tri-methylation in human cancers. The 2nd Shanghai Symposium of Epigenetics in Development and Diseases/ The 3rd Annual Meeting of Asian Epigenome Alliance. Shanghai . 2008.
  10. Kondo Y.「Cancer Epigenetics」Role of histone methylation in human cancers. Northeastern Asian Symposium on Cancer Epigenetics. Jeju. 2008.
  11. Kondo Y. Shen L, Ahmed S、Boumber Y, Haddad BR, Issa JP.「Cancer and epigenetics -Basic research and clinical implication-」Contribution of histone H3 lysine 9 and 27 methyltransferases to gene silencing and neoplastic phenotype in cancer. 14th International Symposium of the Hiroshima Cancer Seminar and the 8th Meeting of the Tottori Bioscience Promotion Foundation. Hiroshima. 2004.