脳情報の解読と制御 さきがけ 科学技術振興機構






天野  薫   上川内あづさ   河野 剛士   玉田篤史   土谷尚嗣   徳田崇   春野雅彦   細谷晴夫   宮田麻理子   森口佑介   矢尾育子   山田真希子  

天野 薫                         研究者」ページへ

表題:脳活動イメージングによる視覚研究の基礎と最新の研究動向 -アルファ波の機能的意義-

著者/発表者:Oka, K., Amano, K., Uno, Y., Sone, T. and Takeda, T.
表題:The study of synchrony judgment mechanism using multisensory brain activity
発表先:Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans.

著者/発表者:Sone, T., Amano, K. and Takeda, T.
表題:Neural basis of lag-adaptation effect
発表先:Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans.

著者/発表者:Uno, Y., Amano, K. and Takeda, T.
表題:Stabilization of multipole expansion in the signal space separation
発表先:Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans.

著者/発表者:Yuasa, K., Amano, K., Aoyama, A. and Takeda T.
表題:The analysis of objective recognition free from stimulus modality
発表先:18th International conference on Biomagnetisom.

著者/発表者:Qi, L., Amano, K. and Takeda, T.
表題:Estimation of visual perception timing for gradual onset of random-dots coherent motion
発表先:18th International conference on Biomagnetisom.

著者/発表者:Nara, T., Amano, K. and Takeda, T.
表題:An explicit method for MEG inverse problem with the equivalent current dipoles and quadrupoles source model
発表先:18th International conference on Biomagnetisom.

著者/発表者Takemura, H., Ashida, H., Amano, K., Kitaoka, A. & Murakami, I.
表題:Neural correlates of induced motion perception in the human brain
発表先:The Journal of Neuroscience, 32(41), 14344-14354

▼2012/3/17 (in press)
著者/発表者:Amano, K., Takeda, T., Haji, T., Terao, M., Maruya, K., Matsumoto, K., Murakami, I., Nishida, S.
表題:Human neural responses involved in spatial pooling of locally ambiguous motion signals,
発表先:Journal of Neurophysiology 2012 Jun;107(12):3493-508.


表題:Estimation of visual perception timing for gradual onset of random-dots coherent motion

著者/発表者:Takahashi, T., Amano, K., Motoyoshi, I., Someya, Y. and Honda, S.
表題:Cortical responses to invisible target during adaptation-induced blindness: An fMRI study
発表先:Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.

著者/発表者:Takemura, H., Ashida, H., Amano, K., Kitaoka, A and Murakami, I.
表題:Neural correlates of induced motion perception in the human visual cortex
発表先:Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.

著者/発表者:Qi, L., Amano, K., Takeda, T.
表題:Subject-dependent feature selection for meg-based bci application
発表先:Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.

著者/発表者:Yuasa, K., Amano, K., Aoyama, A. and Takeda T.
表題:Measurement of brain activity related to conceptual recognition during sensory and semantic tasks
発表先:Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.

表題:視覚的意識の神経相関 -順応誘発盲を用いた検討-

著者/発表者:Kogai, T., Aoyama, A. Amano, K., Takeda, T.
表題:Visual mismatch response evoked by a perceptually indistinguishable oddball
発表先:Neuroreport 22(11):535-538

著者/発表者:宇野裕, 天野薫, 武田常広

著者/発表者:斉亮, 宇野裕, 天野薫, 武田常広
表題:Evaluation of compensation signal space separation on gradiometer only MEG system via simulation

著者/発表者:彭飛, 天野薫, 斉亮, 李鎬=(=は火へんに韋), 武田常広

著者/発表者:湯淺健一, 天野薫, 青山敦, 武田常廣
表題:感覚的刺激, 言語的刺激を用いた認知に関する脳活動の計測

著者/発表者:高橋俊昌, 天野薫, 本吉勇, 染谷芳明, 本多敏

著者/発表者:米家惇, 寺尾将彦, 天野薫, 武田常廣

表題:Visual Awarenessの神経相関

著者/発表者:Amano, K., Takahashi, T., Takeda T. and Motoyoshi, I.
表題:Neural responses involved in adaptation-induced blindness
発表先:Journal of Vision, September 23, 2011 vol. 11 no. 11 article 184.

著者/発表者:Qi, L., Amano, K., Shimono, M., Takeda, T.
表題:MEG feature selection for motion prediction
発表先:The Journal of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society 22(2), 3-10.

上川内あづさ                          研究者」ページへ

著者/発表者:Matsuo E, Kamikouchi A
表題:Neuronal encoding of sound, gravity, and wind in the fruit fly
発表先:The Journal of Comparative Physiology A, April 2013, Volume 199, Issue 4, pp 253-262

▼2013/2/28 (in press)

▼2013/2/28 (in press)
著者/発表者:Kamikouchi A, Fiala A
表題:Monitoring neural activity with genetically-encoded Ca2+ indicators
発表先:Methods in Neuroethological Research (Eds: Ogawa H, Oka K.)

▼2012/11/29 (invited)

▼2012/11/27 (invited)
著者/発表者:Kamikouchi A
表題:Anatomical and Functional Organization of the Drosophila Auditory System
発表先:International Symposium on Organization and Function of the Nervous System,東京

▼2012/10/26 (invited)
著者/発表者:Kamikouchi A
表題:The fruit-fly brain as a tool to explore how the auditory system works

著者/発表者:Asai T, Matsuo E, Seki H, Morimoto T, Miyakawa H, Ito K, Kamikouchi A
表題:Characterization of the secondary auditory neurons in the fly brain
発表先:The 10th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference

著者/発表者:Matsuo E, Seki H, Asai T, Morimoto T, Miyakawa H, Ito K, Kamikouchi A
表題:The auditory map in the fly brain
発表先:The 10th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference

著者/発表者:Yamada D, Matsuo E, Kamikouchi A
表題:Elucidation of the response characteristics of subgroup-D neurons in the fly ear
発表先:The 10th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference

著者/発表者:Jeonghyeon Y, Matsuo E, Mizuno H, Morimoto T, Miyakawa H, Kamikouchi A
表題:Neural mechanism that modulates the sound-evoked behavior of fruit flies
発表先:The 10th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference

▼2012/9/19 (invited)
著者/発表者:Matsuo E, Seki H, Asai T, Morimoto T, Miyakawa H, Ito K, Kamikouchi A
表題:Comprehensive analysis on the secondary auditory circuit in the fly brain

著者/発表者:Kamikouchi A
表題:Auditory neural circuits in the fly brain

▼2012/9/17 (invited)
著者/発表者:Kamikouchi A
表題:The auditory system of fruit flies
発表先:4th International Symposium on Photonic Bioimaging,札幌


▼2012/9/13 (invited)

著者/発表者:Matsuo E, Seki H, Asai T, Morimoto T, Miyakawa H, Ito K, Kamikouchi A
表題:Systematic analysis on the secondary auditory circuit in the fly brain
発表先:日本比較生理生化学会 第34回大会,葉山

▼2012/7/8 (invited)
著者/発表者:Kamikouchi A
表題:How do fruitflies hear?
発表先:日本比較生理生化学会 第34回大会,葉山

▼2012/5/15 (invited)
著者/発表者:Kamikouchi A
表題:Neuroanatomy of the Drosophila auditory system
発表先:The Neurobiology and Evolution of Insect Acoustic Communication, USA

発表先:日本分子生物学会 第12回春期シンポジウム,山梨

▼2012/4/25 (invited)
発表先:日本分子生物学会 第12回春期シンポジウム,山梨


著者/発表者:Haruyoshi Seki, Yumi Ishiguro, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Takako Morimoto, Azusa Kamikouchi
表題:Anatomy of the secondary auditory neurons AMMC-A1 in the Drosophila brain.
発表先: 第34回日本神経科学大会、横浜

▼2011/9/14 (invited)
著者/発表者:Kamikouchi A, Seki H, Mizuno H, Miyakawa H, Ito K, Morimoto T
表題:The auditory map in the fly brain.

▼2011/6/3 (invited)
著者/発表者:Kamikouchi A, Seki H, Mizuno H, Miyakawa H, Ito K, Morimoto T
表題:The gravity- and sound-sensing systems in the fruit fly
発表先:8th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Nagoya

河野 剛士                         研究者」ページへ

▼2013/3/27 (invited)
発表先:2013春季講演会(神奈川工科大)シンポジウム,ナノバイオデバイスを利用した生命機能解明と医療応 用,第60回応用物理学関係連合講演会

▼2012/11/22 (invited)
発表先:第1回ICE Cube Center研究会(第67回精密工学研究所シンポジウム,Green ICE Initiative 3rd Technical Workshop for Open Innovation)

著者/発表者:Takeshi Kawano
表題:Neural Interface Microdevices
発表先:NBIC2 Korea-U.S.-Japan Workshop

著者/発表者:Takeshi Kawano, Chung Yeung Cho and Liwei Lin
表題:An Overhanging Carbon Nanotube/parylene Core-shell Nanoprobe Electrode
発表先:Sensors and Actuators A 187, 79-83, 2012

著者/発表者:Akihiro Goryu, Rika Numano, Akihito Ikedo, Makoto Ishida and Takeshi Kawano
表題:Nanoscale Tipped Microwire Arrays Enhance Electrical Trap and Depth Injection of Nanoparticles
発表先:Nanotechnology 23(41), 415301, 2012

▼2012/3/7 (invited)
発表先:第26回 エレクトロニクス実装学会春季講演大会

▼2011/10/26 (invited)
発表先:立命館大学, 理工学部ロボティックス学科合同セミナー

著者/発表者:Akihiro Okugawa, Kotaro Mayumi, Akihito Ikedo, Makoto Ishid and Takeshi Kawano
表題:Heterogeneously Integrated Vapor-liquid-solid Grown Silicon probes/(111) and Silicon MOSFETs/(100)
発表先:IEEE Electron Device Letters 32(5), 683-685, 2011

▼2011/2/25 (invited)
著者/発表者:Takeshi Kawano
表題:Vertically Integrated Silicon Wires for Neural Interface and Artificial Whisker Electronics
発表先:Department seminor, KAIST, Republic of Korea

著者/発表者:Akihito Ikedo, Makoto Ishida and Takeshi Kawano
表題:Out-of-plane High-density Piezoresistive Silicon Microwire/p-n Diode Array for Force and Temperature Sensitive Artificial Whisker Sensors
発表先:Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 21(3), 035007, 2011

著者/発表者:Tetsuhiro Harimoto, Kuniharu Takei, Takeshi Kawano, Akito Ishihara, Hidekazu Kaneko, Takahiro Kawashima, Makoto Ishida, Shiro Usui
表題:Enlarged gold-tipped silicon microprobe arrays and signal compensation for multi-site electroretinogram recordings in the isolated carp retina
発表先:Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26(5), 2368-2375

玉田 篤史                         研究者」ページへ

▼2013/2/28 (in press)
著者/発表者:Makio Torigoe, Kenta Yamauchi, Atsushi Tamada, Ikuo Matsuda, Atsu Aiba, Valerie Castellani and Fujio Murakami
表題:Role of neuropilin-2 in the ipsilateral growth of midbrain dopaminergic axons
発表先: European Journal of Neuroscience

発表先: 第35回日本神経科学大会、横浜

発表先: 第34回日本神経科学大会、横浜

発表先:JOHNS (Journal of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery)、8月号,1190-1194(2011)、東京医学社

著者/発表者:Atsushi Tamada, Satoshi Kawase, Fujio Murakami and Hiroyuki Kamiguchi
表題:Hierarchical structure of asymmetric rotational motility from molecular motors to neural circuits
発表先: 8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Firenze


土谷 尚嗣                         研究者」ページへ

著者/発表者:Tsuchiya, Nao, Oizumi, M., Yanagawa, T., Amari, S. and Fujii, N.
表題:Measuring the level of consciousness based on the amount of integrated information
発表先:Australian Neuroscience Society

著者/発表者:Tsuchiya, Block, Koch
表題:Top-down attention and consciousness: Comments to Cohen et al
発表先:Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Volume 16, Issue 11, 527, 01 October 2012

著者/発表者:Alexander Maier, Theofanis I. Panagiotaropoulos, Naotsugu Tsuchiya, Georgios A. Keliris
表題:Introduction to research topic - binocular rivalry: a gateway to studying consciousness
発表先:Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 25 September 2012

著者/発表者:Van Boxtel and Tsuchiya
表題:De-confounding neuronal constitution of phenomenal consciousness from attention, report and memory
発表先:Book chapter for “The Constitution of Consciousness” edited by Steve Miller

著者/発表者:Naotsugu Tsuchiya
表題:Cortical processing of emotional faces: lessens from amygdala lesion patients and ECoG recording from the cortex
発表先:What does human intra-cerebral recording tell us about emotions” (2012) Geneva, Swiss

著者/発表者:Leigh Sepeta*, Naotsugu Tsuchiya*, Mari S. Davies, Marian Sigman, Susan Y. Bookheimer, and Mirella Dapretto
表題:Abnormal Social Reward Processing in Autism as Indexed by Pupillary Responses to Happy Faces
発表先:Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 2012, 4:17

著者/発表者:Wang Shuo, Fukuchi, Koch C, Tsuchiya N
表題:Spatial Attention is Attracted in a Sustained Fashion towards Singular Points in the Optic Flow
発表先:PLoS One, 2012, 7(8): e41040. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041040

著者/発表者:竹村 浩昌 & 土谷尚嗣
発表先: 脳科学事典

著者/発表者:Naotsugu Tsuchiya
表題:1. Visual Neuroscience
2. Technical challenges and new technical innovations
発表先: Mind Science Foundation (2012) “Understanding Consciousness: Neuroscientific Approaches, Future Directions” Maine, USA

著者/発表者:Naotsugu Tsuchiya
表題:Visual consciousness tracked with direct intracranial recording from the early visual areas in humans
発表先: Chai-Youn Kim (2012), “Across the Surface of Conscious Visual Awareness” Symposium at Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (Speakers, Sheng He, Wong-Mok Shim, Joel Pearson, CY Kim, Tsuchiya), Korea

著者/発表者:Naotsugu Tsuchiya
表題:Does a thermometer have consciousness?
Towards the quantification of the level of consciousness: Theory & Practice
発表先: Chai-Youn Kim (2012), “Consciousness and the Brain" Korea University (Speakers, Tsuchiya, PJ Hsieh, Joel Pearson, S He), Korea

著者/発表者:Naotsugu Tsuchiya
表題:Does a thermometer have consciousness?
Towards the quantification of the level of consciousness: Theory & Practice
発表先: Philip Low (2012) “Francis Crick Memorial Conference: Consciousness in Human and Non-Human Animals” Cambridge, UK

発表先:LiSA ISSN 1340-8836 (Print) ISSN 1883-5511 (Online) 19巻4号(2012.04)P.352-359(ISID:3101101501)

著者/発表者:Wang Shuo, Ian Krajbich, Ralph Adolphs, Naotsugu Tsuchiya
表題:The role of risk aversion in non-conscious decision-making
発表先: Frontiers in Cognitive Sciences, 3:50. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00050, 2012

著者/発表者:Ryota Kanai & Naotsugu Tsuchiya
表題:Primer: Qualia
発表先: Current Biology, Vol.22 No.10, 392-6

著者/発表者:Hiroto Kawasaki, Naotsugu Tsuchiya, Christopher Kovach, Kirill Nourski, Hiroyuki Oya, Matthew A Howard III, Ralph Adolphs
表題:Processing of Facial Emotion in the Human Fusiform Gyrus
発表先:Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, (doi:10.1162/jocn_a_00175) 2011

著者/発表者:Naotsugu Tsuchiya
表題:Visual consciousness tracked with direct intracranial recording from early visual cortex in humans
発表先:Australian Cognitive Neuroscience Conference, Sydney, Australia.

著者/発表者:Koch & Tsuchiya
表題:Attention and consciousness: related yet different
発表先:Trends in cognitive sciences, Volume 16, Issue 2, February 2012, Pages 103-105

著者/発表者:Tsuchiya N, Cheng J, Elishiav D, Adolphs R, Mamelak A (talk by NT)
表題:Visual consciousness tracked with direct intracranial recording from early visual cortex in humans
発表先:(2011) SFN 2011, Washington DC, USA

著者/発表者:Tsuchiya N, Cheng J, Elishiav D, Adolphs R, Mamelak A (talk by NT)
表題:Visual consciousness tracked with direct intracranial recording from early visual cortex in humans
発表先:Neuro 2011, Yokohama, Japan

著者/発表者:Florian Mormann, Julien Dubois, Simon Kornblith, Milica Milosavljevic, Moran Cerf, Matias Ison, Naotsugu Tsuchiya, Alexander Kraskov, Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, Ralph Adolphs, Itzhak Fried & Christof Koch
表題:A category-specific response to animals in the right human amygdala
発表先:Nature Neuroscience 14, 1247-1249 (2011) doi:10.1038/nn.2899 2011

著者/発表者:Naotsugu Tsuchiya
表題:"Visual consciousness tracked with direct intracranial recording from early visual areas in humans"
発表先:“Neurophysiology of attention and awareness” Satellite workshop for ASSC 15, Kyoto, Japan

著者/発表者:Oizumi M, Takenaka K, Yanagawa T, Amarai S, Tsuchiya N, Fujii N
表題:Modified measure for integrated information theory and its application to 128-channel electrocorticogram data recorded in macaque monkeys
発表先: (2011) ASSC15, Kyoto, Japan

著者/発表者:Sugiura A, Takemura H, Yamamoto T, Tsuchiya N
表題:A direct interview with a patient who recovered from the persistent vegetative state
発表先: (2011) ASSC15, Kyoto, Japan

著者/発表者:Tsuchiya & Kanai
表題:Towards the neuroscientific definition and empirical investigation of qualia
発表先:Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, 15th annual meeting. Kyoto, Japan

著者/発表者:Naotsugu Tsuchiya
表題:Opposing effects of attention & consciousness
発表先:Cognitive NeuroscienceMini-‐symposium (University of Melbourne)

著者/発表者:Naotsugu Tsuchiya
表題:The relationship between attention and consciousness
発表先: (2011) COSYNE, Utah, USA

著者/発表者:Tsuchiya N, Cheng J, Elishiav D, Adolphs R, Mamelak A,
表題:“Visual consciousness tracked with direct intracranial recording from primary visual cortex in humans”
発表先: (2011) COSYNE, Utah, USA

著者/発表者:Christopher Kovach, Nao Tsuchiya, Hiroto Kawasaki, Hiroyuki Oya, Mathew A. Howard III, Ralph Adolphs
表題:“Eye movement-related EMG contamination in intracranial electrophysiology”
発表先: Neuroimage (2011) Jan 1;54(1):213-33. Epub (2010) Aug 6.

著者/発表者:Naotsugu Tsuchiya*, Jeroen J. A. van Boxtel*, Christof Koch *equal contribution
表題:Consciousness and attention: on sufficiency and necessity
発表先:Frontiers in Psychology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2010.00217

徳田 崇                         研究者」ページへ

▼2012/12/6 (invited)
著者/発表者:Takashi Tokuda
表題:Microelectronics-based Implantable Devices for Bio-Medical Applications
発表先:The Asia-Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics & Electronics (PrimeAsia) (Keynote), Hyderabad, India

著者/発表者:徳田 崇, 太田 淳, 笹川清隆, 野田俊彦

▼2012/7/30 (invited)
著者/発表者:徳田 崇, 野田 俊彦, 笹川 清隆, 太田 淳
発表先:第25回回路とシステムワークショップAS-1 予稿集pp. 64-69, 淡路夢舞台, 兵庫県

著者/発表者:T. Tokuda, T. Miyatani, Y. Maezawa, T. Kobayashi, T. Noda, K. Sasagawa, and J. Ohta
表題:CMOS-based Optoelectronic Neural Interface Device for Optogenetics
発表先:Neural Interface Conference, H-1, 2012/6/18, Salt Lake City, USA

著者/発表者:宮谷 友彰, 木村 大志, Yosmongkol Sawadsaringkarn, 前澤 安代, 小林 琢磨, 野田 俊彦, 笹川 清隆, 徳田 崇, 太田 淳
発表先:平成24電気学会全国大会, 3-118

著者/発表者:Yosmongkol Sawadsaringkarn, 木村 大志, 前澤 安代, 小林 琢磨, 野田 俊彦, 笹川 清隆, 徳田 崇, 太田 淳
発表先:第59回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 18a-GP5-1, 早稲田大学

著者/発表者:Takashi Tokuda, Hiroshi Kimura, Tomoaki Miyatani, Yasuyo Maezawa, Takuma Kobayashi, Toshihiko Noda, Kiyotaka Sasagawa and Jun Ohta
表題:CMOS on-chip bio-imaging sensor with integrated micro light source array for optogenetics
発表先:Electron. Lett. 48, pp. 312-314 (2012)

著者/発表者:Y. Sawadsaringkarn, H. Kimura, Y. Maezawa, A. Nakajima, T. Kobayashi, K. Sasagawa, T. Noda, T. Tokuda and J Ohta
表題:CMOS On-Chip Optoelectronic Neural Interface Device with Integrated Light Source for Optogenetics
発表先:Journal of Physics: Conference Series 352 012004

著者/発表者:木村 大志, Yosmongkol Sawadsaringkarn, 中島 新, 小林 琢磨, 野田 俊彦, 笹川 清隆, 徳田 崇, 太田 淳
発表先:映像情報メディア学会2011年11月情報センシング研究会, 映情学技報 Vol.35, No.47, IST-2011-75 (Nov. 2011)

著者/発表者:Y. Sawadsaringkarn, H. Kimura, Y. Maezawa, A. Nakajima,T. Kobayashi, K. Sasagawa, T. Noda, T. Tokuda, J. Ohta
表題:CMOS neural interface device with integrated light source array for Optogenetics

著者/発表者:T. Tokuda, H. Kimura, Y. Sawadsaringkarn, Y. Maezawa, T. Kobayashi, T. Noda, K. Sasagawa, J. Ohta
表題:CMOS-based on-chip intelligent neural stimulation/ imaging device with an integrated micro light emitter array for optogenetics
発表先:SfN2011 (Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience), 306.16/YY27

著者/発表者:徳田 崇, 木村 大志, Y. Sawadsaringkarn, 前澤 安代, 小林 琢磨, 野田 俊彦, 笹川 清隆, 太田 淳
表題:CMOS bioimage sensor with integrated micro light source array for optogenetics
発表先:生体・生理工学シンポジウム, 立命館大学, 2A2-4

著者/発表者:徳田 崇, 木村 大志, Y. Sawadsaringkarn, 前澤 安代, 中島 新, 小林 琢磨, 野田 俊彦, 笹川 清隆, 太田 淳
表題:CMOS-based intelligent neural interface device for Optogenetics
発表先:日本神経科学会, パシフィコ横浜, P3-u10

春野 雅彦                         研究者」ページへ

著者/発表者:Watanabe N, Sakagami M, Haruno M.
表題:Reward Prediction Error Signal Enhanced by Striatum-Amygdala Interaction Explains the Acceleration of Probabilistic Reward Learning by Emotion
発表先:The Journal of Neuroscience 2013 Mar 6;33(10):4487-93.

▼2013/2/8 (invited)
著者/発表者:Haruno M.
表題:Activity in the nucleus accumbens and amygdala explains individual differences in intuitive social decision making
発表先:BSI seminar.

▼2013/1/16 (invited)
著者/発表者:Haruno M.
表題:Docoding unconsciou social decision making
発表先:ISM workshop on physical measurement and Bayesian statistics

著者/発表者:Suzuki S, Harasawa N, Ueno K, Gardner JL, Ichinohe N, Haruno M, Cheng K, Nakahara H.
表題:Learning to Simulate Others' Decisions
発表先:Neuron. 74: 1125-1137.

著者/発表者:Haruno M, Ganesh G, Burdet E, Kawato M.
表題:Differential Neural Correlates of Reciprocal Activation and Co-contraction Control in Dorsal and Ventral Premotor Cortices.
発表先:J Neurophysiol. 107:126-133.

著者/発表者:Sugimoto N, Haruno M, Doya K, Kawato M.
表題:MOSAIC for Multiple-Reward Environments
発表先:Neural Computation. 24: 577-606.

著者/発表者:Enomoto K, Matsumoto N, Nakai S, Satoh T, Sato TK, Ueda Y, Inokawa H, Haruno M, Kimura M.
表題:Dopamine neurons learn to encode the long-term value of multiple future rewards.
発表先:Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2011 Sep 13;108(37):15462-7.

著者/発表者:Haruno, M and Frith, C and Kimura, M
表題:Activity in the nucleus accumbens explains individual differences in rapid and intuitive social decision making
発表先:Neuroscience Research Volume 71, Supplement, September 2011, Pages e104

著者/発表者:Aramaki Y, Haruno M, Osu R, Sadato N.
表題:Movement initiation-locked activity of the anterior putamen predicts future movement instability in periodic bimanual movement.
発表先:J Neurosci. 2011 Jul 6;31(27):9819-23.

細谷 晴夫                         研究者」ページへ

著者/発表者:Haruo Hosoya
表題:V2 receptive field structure revealed by Bayesian spike-triggered analysis
発表先:Society for Neuroscience

著者/発表者:Hiroki Terashimaa, Haruo Hosoyac, Toshiki Tanie, Noritaka Ichinohef, Masato Okada
表題:Sparse coding of harmonic vocalization in monkey auditory cortex
発表先:Neurocomputing Volume 103, 1 March 2013, Pages 14-21

著者/発表者:Haruo Hosoya
表題:Multinomial Bayesian learning for modeling classical and non-classical receptive field properties
発表先:Neural Comput. 2012 Aug;24(8):2119-50.

著者/発表者:Haruo Hosoya
表題:Multinomial Bayesian model of Early Visual Cortex
発表先:The 21st Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society (December, 2011)[P2-12]

著者/発表者:Haruo Hosoya
表題:Multinomial Bayesian network model reproducing receptive field properties of V1 simple cells and V2

著者/発表者:Atushi Hashimoto, Haruo Hosoya
表題:Abstract Category Learning
発表先:European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN)

著者/発表者:Haruo Hosoya
表題:Multinomial multilayer belief net model reproducing properties of V1 simple cells and V2
発表先:Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne)

著者/発表者:Haruo Hosoya
表題:Modeling V1 and V2 by multinomial multilayer belief net
発表先:NIPS 2010 workshop on Deep Learning and Unsupervised Feature Learning

著者/発表者:Haruo Hosoya
表題:Bayesian interpretation of border-ownership signals in early visual cortex
発表先:International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Theory and Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6443/2010, 1-8

宮田 麻理子                         研究者」ページへ

著者/発表者:Yuichi Takeuchi, Mariko Miyata
表題:Information tuning via synapse elimination in the whisker sensory thalamus of developing mice.
発表先:第90回日本生理学会大会, 東京

著者/発表者:南雲康行, 宮田麻理子
表題:Contrary changes of phasic- and tonic-inhibition onto thalamic relay neurons in mice with infraorbital nerve cut
発表先:第90回日本生理学会大会, 東京


著者/発表者:宮田麻理子, 鳴島 円
発表先:Clinical Neuroscience 31 (1) :38-41、2013.

著者/発表者:Madoka Narushima, Motokazu Uchigashima, Kouichi Hashimoto, Atsu Aiba, Masahiko Watanabe, Mariko Miyataand Masanobu Kano
表題:Type 1 metabotropic glutamate receptor regulates experience-dependent remodeling of mouse retinogeniculate synapses
発表先:遺伝研シンポジウム:Circuit construction in the mammalian cerebral cortex: Genetic and imaging approaches

著者/発表者:竹内雄一, 内田萌衣, 宮田麻理子

著者/発表者:Yuichi Takeuchi, Mei Uchida, Mariko Miyata
表題:Structural changes of lemniscal axon terminals after the peripheral sensory nerve transection of mice.

著者/発表者:Madoka Narushima, Motokazu Uchigashima, Kouichi Hashimoto, Atsu Aiba, Masahiko Watanabe, Mariko Miyataand Masanobu Kano
表題:Requirement of type 1 metabotropic glutamate receptor for experience-dependent remodeling of mouse retinogeniculate synapses.


著者/発表者:Madoka Narushima, Motokazu Uchigashima, Kouichi Hashimoto, Atsu Aiba, Masahiko Watanabe, Mariko Miyataand Masanobu Kano

著者/発表者:南雲康行, 宮田麻理子

著者/発表者:Mariko Miyata
表題:The remodeling of thalamic synapses and behavior changes after the peripheral nerve injury
発表先:8th FENS meeting, Barcelona, Spain,

著者/発表者:Takeuchi Yuichi, Yamasaki Miwako, Nagumo Yasuyuki, Imoto Keiji, Watanabe Masahiko, Miyata Mariko
表題:Rewiring of afferent fibers in the somatosensory thalamus of mice caused by peripheral sensory nerve transection
発表先:The Journal of Neuroscience 32 (20) :6917-6930 , 2012

著者/発表者:Yuichi Takeuchi, Madoka Narushima, Mariko Miyata
表題:Postnatal development of the lemniscal fiber-relay neuron system in the somatosensory thalamus of mice.
発表先:第34回日本神経科学大会 パシフィコ横浜 2011.9 

著者/発表者:Nagumo Yasuyuki, Miyata Mariko
表題:Transection of infraorbital nerve dynamically reduces inhibitory inputs onto the relay neuron in the ventral posterior medial nucleus
発表先:The 34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society

発表先:Clinical Neuroscience, 2011,Vol.29, 2011, PP895-889

著者/発表者:Takeuchi Y., Nagumo Y., Miyata M.
表題:Peripheral nerve injury transection-induced remodeling of afferent synapses in the somatosensory thalamus.
発表先:The 8th congress of Neuroscience (IBRO), Florence, Italy 

表題:Requirement of type 1 metabotropic glutamate receptor for experience-dependent pruning of retinogeniculate synapses
発表先:the 8th World congress of Neuroscience (IBRO), Florence, Italy

著者/発表者:南雲康行, 竹内雄一, 宮田麻理子

著者/発表者:M. Miyata, Y. Kishimoto, M. Tanaka, K. Hashimoto, N. Hirashima, Y. Murata, M. Kano, Y. Takagishi
表題:A Role for Myosin Va in Cerebellar Plasticity and Motor Learning: A Possible Mechanism Underlying Neurological Disorder in Myosin Va Disease
発表先:The Journal of Neuroscience 31: 6067-6078 (2011)

著者/発表者:竹内 雄一, 鳴島 円, 宮田 麻理子
発表先:The 88th annual meeting of physiological society of Japan, The 116th annual meeting of japanese association of anatomists.

表題:Synaptic rewiring and compositional changes in glutamante receptors at thalamic lemniscal synapses in the developmental process

著者/発表者:Y. Nagumo, Y. Takeuchi, K. Imoto, M. Miyata
表題:synapse- and subtype-specific modulation of synaptic transmission by nicotinic acetylchokine receptors in the ventrobasal thalamus
発表先:Neuroscience Research 69 (2011) 203-213


森口 佑介                          研究者」ページへ

著者/発表者:Kanakogi, Y. Moriguchi, Y., Fu, G., Lee, K., & Itakura, S.
表題:How does executive function contribute to source monitoring in young children?
発表先:Psychologia, 55, 194-207

著者/発表者:Yasumura, A., Kokubo, N., Yamamoto, H., Yasumura, Y., Moriguchi, Y., Nakagawa, E., Inagaki, M., Hiraki, K.
表題:Neurobehavioral and hemodynamic evaluation of cognitive shifting in children with autism spectrum disorder
発表先:Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 2, 463-470


発表先:第76回日本心理学会 専修大学

表題:見えない他者を観る: 幼児における空想の他者についての検討
発表先:第76回日本心理学会 専修大学

発表先:第76回日本心理学会 専修大学

著者/発表者:Moriguchi Y. & Shinohara, I.
表題:My Neighbor: Children’s Perception of Agency in Interaction with an Imaginary Agent.
発表先:PLoS ONE 7(9): e44463. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044463

発表先:第1回発達神経科学学会 兵庫県立リハビリ手―ション中央病院

表題:The effect of social observation on children’s inhibitory control.
発表先:Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Volume 113, Issue 2, Pages 248-258

著者/発表者:Shinohara,I., & Moriguchi,Y.
表題:Maternal Mind Attribution for Infants Predict Later Children's Joint Attention and Language Ability; Longitudinal Study
発表先:International Conference on Infant Study at Minneapolis, Minnesota

著者/発表者:Moriguchi,Y., Shinohara,I., & Hiraki,K.
表題:Observed Human Actions, and not Mechanical Actions, Induce Searching Errors in Infants
発表先:International Conference on Infant Study at Minneapolis, Minnesota


著者/発表者:Moriguchi, Y., Matsunaka, R., Itakura, S., & Hiraki, K.
表題:Observed human actions, and not nechanical actions, induce searching errors in infants.
発表先:Child Development Research 2012, Article ID 465458, 5 pages doi:10.1155/2012/465458


表題:Imaginary companionは多弁な親のもとに生み出される:3年間の縦断研究

表題:Neural basis of executive function in young children

著者/発表者:Moriguchi, Y., Evans, A.D., Hiraki. K., Itakura, S, & Lee, K.
表題:Cultural differences in the development of cognitive shifting: East-West comparison.
発表先:Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 111, 156-163, 2012

著者/発表者:Moriguchi, Y., Tanaka, & Itakura, S.
表題:Executive function in young children and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): Evidence from a non-verbal Dimensional Change Card Sort task.
発表先:Journal of Genetic Psychology, 172, 252-265.

発表先:ベビーサイエンス, 10, 26-37

著者/発表者:Moriguchi Y. and Hiraki K.
表題:Longitudinal development of prefrontal function during early childhood.
発表先:Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 1 (2), 153-162, 2011

著者/発表者:Moriguchi, Y., Kanda, T., Ishiguro, H., Shimada, Y., & Itakura, S.
表題:Can young children learn words from a robot?
発表先:Interaction Studies, 12(1), 107-118, 2011

矢尾 育子                         研究者」ページへ

著者/発表者:Takagi H, Setou M, Ito S, Yao I
表題:SCRAPPER Regulates the Thresholds of Long-Term Potentiation/Depression, the Bidirectional Synaptic Plasticity in Hippocampal CA3-CA1 Synapses
発表先:Neural Plasticity, vol. 2012, doi:10.1155/2012/352829 (2012)

著者/発表者:Yao I, Sugiura Y, Zaima N, Setou M, Ito S
表題:Imaging of acetylcholine in the nerve tissue sections with mass spectrometry
発表先:the 42nd annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience

著者/発表者:Yao I
表題:Application of imaging mass spectrometry for analysis of ubiquitin ligase SCRAPPER

著者/発表者:Yao I, Sugiura Y, Zaima N, Setou M, Ito S
表題:Optimization of conditions for acetylcholine detection in the nerve tissue sections by imaging mass spectrometry
発表先:19th International Mass Spectrometry Conference

著者/発表者:Setou, M., Yao, I., Hayasaka, T., Masaki, N., Eriksson, C.
表題:Short Course "Introduction to Imaging Mass Spectrometry"
発表先:19th International Mass Spectrometry Conference


著者/発表者:Sugiura Y, Zaima N, Setou M, Ito S, Yao I
表題:Visualization of acetylcholine distribution in central nervous system tissue sections by tandem imaging mass spectrometry
発表先:Anal Bioanal Chem. 403(7):1851-61(2012)

著者/発表者:Yao I, Sugiura Y, Zaima N, Setou M, Ito S
表題:Visualization of acetylcholine distribution in the brain by imaging mass spectrometry
発表先:60th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics

著者/発表者:Sugiura Y, Yao I, Setou M
表題:Imaging Mass Spectrometry (IMS) for Biological Application
発表先:Mass Spectrometry Handbook (Wiley Series on Pharmaceutical Science and Biotechnology: Practices, Applications and Methods) Wiley; 1版

著者/発表者:Chizaki R, Yao I, Katano T, Matsuda T, Ito S
表題:Restricted Expression of Ovol2/MOVO in XY Body of Mouse Spermatocytes at the Pachytene Stage
発表先:J Androl. 33(2):277-86. (2012)

著者/発表者:Yamada M, Yao I, Hayasaka T, Ushijima M, Matsuura M, Takada H, Shikata N, Setou M, Kwon AH, Ito S
表題:Identification of oligosaccharides from histopathological sections by MALDI imaging mass spectrometry
発表先:Anal Bioanal Chem. 402(5):1921-30 (2012)

著者/発表者:Yao I, Takao K, Miyakawa T, Ito S, Setou M
表題:Synaptic E3 ligase SCRAPPER is crucial for hippocampus-dependent fear memory formation
発表先:the 41st annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience

▼2011/11/2 (invited)
著者/発表者:Yao I
表題:Imaging Mass Spectrometry for Proteomics and Metabolomics
発表先:The 1st NIBB - Princeton Symposium


著者/発表者:Yao I, Takagi H, Ito S, Setou M
表題:Synaptic plasticity mediated by SCRAPPER in hippocampal CA3-CA1 synapses



著者/発表者:Yao I, Takagi H, Ito S, Setou M
表題:Analysis of Scrapper, a component of presynaptic ubiquitin E3 ligase
発表先:OIST International Workshop, Molecular & Structural Organization of Presynaptic Function and Plasticity

著者/発表者:Yao I, Takao K, Miyakawa T, Ito S, Setou M
表題:Synaptic F-box protein SCRAPPER is involved in hippocampus-dependent fear memory formation
発表先:6th International Conference of Neurons and Brain Diseases

著者/発表者:Yao I, Yamada M, Hosaka K, Hayasaka T, Ushijima M, Matsuura M, Setou M, Ito S
表題:Direct MALDI-TOF mass analysis of histopathological sections with imaging mass spectrometry convolution software
発表先:59th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics

著者/発表者:Hayasaka T, Goto-Inoue N, Ushijima M, Yao I, Yuba-Kubo A, Wakui M, Kajihara S, Matsuura M, Setou M
表題:Development of imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) dataset extract software
発表先:Anal. Bioanal. Chem 2011 Jul;401(1):183-93.

著者/発表者:Ikuko Yao, Keizo Takao, Tsuyoshi Miyakawa, Seiji Ito, Mitsutoshi Setou
表題:Synaptic E3 Ligase SCRAPPER in Contextual Fear Conditioning; Extensive Behavioral Phenotyping of Scrapper Heterozygote and Overexpressing Mutant Mice
発表先:PLoS One. 2011; 6(2): e17317

著者/発表者:Yao I, Yamada M, Hosaka K, Hayasaka T, Ushijima M, Matsuura M, Setou M, Ito S
表題:Direct analysis of histopathological specimen for oligosaccharides by MALDI-MS

著者/発表者:Yang HJ, Ishizaki I, Sanada N, Zaima N, Sugiura Y, Yao I, Ikegami K, Setou M
表題:Detection of characteristic distributions of phospholipid head groups and fatty acids on neurite surface by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry.
発表先:Medical molecular morphology 43, 158-64 (2010)

著者/発表者:Yao I, Takao K, Miyakawa T, Ito S, Setou M
表題:Behavioral analysis of knockout mice for F-box protein SCRAPPER

著者/発表者:Akieda-Asai S, Zaima N, Ikegami K, Kahyo T, Yao I, Hatanaka T, Iemura S, Sugiyama R, Yokozeki T, Eishi Y, Koike M, Ikeda K, Chiba T, Yamaza H, Shimokawa I, Song SY, Matsuno A, Mizutani A, Sawabe M, Chao MV, Tanaka M, Kanaho Y, Natsume T, Sugimura H, Date Y, McBurney MW, Guarente L, Setou M
表題:SIRT1 Regulates Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Release by Enhancing PIP6Kgamma Activity through Deacetylation of Specific Lysine Residues in Mammals.
発表先:PloS one 5, e11755 (2011)

著者/発表者:Yao I, Sugiura Y, Setou M
表題:Abnormal alteration of brain lipids in the Scrapper-gene knockout mice revealed by imaging mass spectrometry coupled with principle component analysis
発表先:ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics

山田 真希子                          研究者」ページへ

▼2013/9/30 (in press)
発表先:BRAIN and NERVE 2013, 66

▼2013/9/30 (in press)
著者/発表者:Mori, T, Shimada H, Shinotoh H, Hirano S, Eguchi Y, Yamada M, Fukuhara R, Tanimukai S, Kuwabara S, Ueno S, Suhara T.
表題:Apathy correlates with prefrontal amyloid beta deposition in Alzheimer’s disease.
発表先:J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2013


発表先:CREST/さきがけ合同シンポジウム「感覚情報の脳内表現」. 包括脳夏のワークショップ

発表先:「理系」で広がるキャリアパス~輝く理系女性たち~第13回Nature Cafe

発表先:Isotope News 2013, 8:7-11.

著者/発表者:Shimada H, Higuchi M, Ikoma Y, Shinoto H, Hirano S, Furukawa S, Moriguchi S, Eguchi Y, Nogami T, Nagashima T, Suzuki M, Takahata K, Sasaki T, Kodaka F, Fujiwara H, Kimura Y, Yamada M, Maruyama M, Takano H, Zhang MR, Kuwabara S, Ito H, Suhara T.
表題:In vivo visualization of tau pathology
発表先:Alzheimer's Imaging Consortium

著者/発表者:Shimada H, Higuchi M, Ikoma Y, Shinoto H, Hirano S, Furukawa S, Moriguchi S, Eguchi Y, Nogami T, Nagashima T, Suzuki M, Takahata K, Sasaki T, Kodaka F, Fujiwara H, Kimura Y, Yamada M, Maruyama M, Takano H, Zhang MR, Kuwabara S, Ito H, Suhara T.
表題:In vivo visualization of tau pathology in Alzheimer's disease patients by [11C]PBB3-PET.
発表先:The Alzheimer's Association International Conference

発表先:脳21 2013, 16: 77-84.

著者/発表者:Makiko Yamada
表題:Molecular and neural mechanisms of illusory self-awareness.

著者/発表者:Yokokawa K, Yamada M, Takano H, Suhara T.
表題:Depression is associated with reduced perceptual alteration induced by expectation

著者/発表者:Kimura Y, Ito H,Maeda J, Yamada M, Fujiwara H, Eguchi Y, Seki C, Kodaka F, Takahata K, Takano H, Ikoma Y, Minamimoto T, Higuchi M, Suhara T.
表題:Occupancy of dopamine transporter and the effect of dopamine reuptake inhibition by mazindol in living human brain
発表先:Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2013 Annual Meeting

著者/発表者:Ikoma Y, Kimura Y, Takano H, Fujiwara H, Kodaka F, Yamada M, Suhara T, Ito H.
表題:Reproducibility of binding potential in a single PET scan with multiple injections of [11C]raclopride to evaluate dopamine release.
発表先:SNMMI 2013 Annual Meeting

発表先:BRAIN and NERVE 2013, 65:659-667.

著者/発表者:Kimura Y, Ito H,Maeda J, Yamada M, Fujiwara H, Eguchi Y, Seki C, Kodaka F, Takahata K, Takano H, Ikoma Y, Minamimoto T, Higuchi M, Suhara T.
表題:Occupancy of dopamine transporter and the effect of dopamine reuptake inhibition by mazindol in living human brain
発表先:Brain'13 & BrainPET'13

表題:Integrating cognitive neuroscience: from molecules to neural responses, to society.
発表先:National Institute of Radiological Sciences Annual Report 2011-2012. 2013, 54-55.

著者/発表者:Yamada M, Uddin LQ, Takahashi H, Kimura Y, Takahata K, Kousa R, Ikoma Y, Eguchi Y, Takano H, Ito H, Higuchi M, Suhara T.
表題:Superiority illusion arises from resting-state functional networks modulated by dopamine.
発表先:tProc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013,110:4363-4367.

発表先:Clinical Neuroscience31巻1号, 2012, 90-2

著者/発表者:Kodaka F, Takahashi H, Yamada M, Ito H, Suhara T.
表題:Effect of cooperation level of group on punishment for non-cooperator: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
発表先:Plos One 2012, 7: e41338


著者/発表者:Yamada M, Takano H, Yokokawa K, Kousa R, Suhara T.
表題:A wide distribution of empathy in resting-state pain network.

著者/発表者:Watanabe S, Yamada M, Maehara T, Matsuura M, Matsushima M.
表題:Facial emotion recognition of anger after anteromedial temporal lobectomy in patients with epilepsy.
発表先:American Epilepsy Society annual meeting 2012.


著者/発表者:島田 斉、森 崇明、篠遠 仁、平野 成樹、古川 彰吾、江口 洋子、入江 俊章、山田 真希子、 高野 晴成、伊藤 浩、桑原  聡、須原 哲也、他.

著者/発表者:木村 泰之、伊藤 浩、白石 貴博、生駒 洋子、小高 文聰、山田 真希子、高野 晴成、藤原 広 臨、島田 斉、菅野 巖、須原 哲也.
表題:[11C]racloprideおよび[11C]FLB 457によるPET測定の機種間差の比較.



著者/発表者:Kimura Y, Ito H, Yamada M, Kodaka F, Takano H, Fujiwara H, Shimada H, Kanno I, Suhara T.
表題:Inter-scanner differences in dopamine receptor imaging.
発表先:The 9th International Symposium on Functional Neuroreceptor Mapping of the Living Brain, Baltimore, USA,

著者/発表者:Yamada M, Camerer CF, Fujie S, Kato M, Matsuda T, Takano H, Ito H, Suhara T, Takahashi H.
表題:Neural circuits in the brain that are activated when mitigating criminal sentences.
発表先:Nature Communications, 2012, 3:759

著者/発表者:Yamada M, Lamm C, Decety J.
表題:Pleasing frowns and disappointing smiles: an ERP investigation of counterempathy.
発表先:Emotion, 2011 Dec;11(6):1336-45.

著者/発表者:Yamada M, Takahashi H.
表題:Happiness is a matter of social comparison.
発表先:Psychologia, 2011, 54(4).


著者/発表者:Takahashi H, Takano H, Camerer CF, Ideno T, Okubo S, Matsui H, Tamari Y, Takemura K, Arakawa R, Kodaka F, Yamada M, Eguchi Y, Murai T, Okubo Y, Kato M, Ito H, Suhara T.
表題:Honesty mediates the relationship between serotonin and reaction to unfairness.
発表先:Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Mar 13;109(11):4281-4.

著者/発表者:Takahashi H, Fujie S, Camerer C, Arakawa R, Takano H, Kodaka F, Matsui H, Ideno T, Okubo S, Takemura K, Yamada M, Eguchi Y, Murai T, Okubo Y, Kato M, Ito H, Suhara T.
表題:Norepinephrine in the brain is associated with aversion to financial loss.
発表先:Molecular Psychiatry, doi:10.1038/mp.2012.7


著者/発表者:Takahashi H, Yamada M, Suhara T
表題:Functional significance of central D1 receptors in cognition: beyond working memory.
発表先:J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 2012 [Epub ahead of print]

表題:Neural circuits mitigating criminal sentences
発表先:メディカルヘルスケアミニワークショップ ソニーシステム技術研究所

表題:4-4 人とつながる 共感の脳内メカニズム
発表先:「脳とこころの視点から探る心理学入門」培風館 2011年11月


著者/発表者:Yamada M, Uddin L, Kimura Y, Suhara T.
表題:Dopamine-based resting-state functional connectivity predicts superiority illusion
発表先:社会神経科学研究会, 岡崎

発表先:第45回日本てんかん学会, 新潟

表題:Neuroscientific approach to active perception.

著者/発表者:Makiko Yamada
表題:Integrating cognitive neuroscience - from molecules to neural responses, to society
発表先:The 34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society シンポジウム(2011.9.14-17, 横浜)

著者/発表者:Makiko Yamada、Colin F. Camerer, Tetsuya Suhara、Hidehiko Takahashi
表題:Emotional justice: neural correlates of mitigating circumstances
発表先:The Social Brain 2011(2011.4.12-13, Cambridge)

著者/発表者:山田 真希子、 須原 哲也
表題:脳機能・分子イメージングと前頭葉機能 特集I:統合失調症ー最近の話題ー
発表先:精神科 18 (1), 6-8.