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Appendix 2

Overview of Belmont Forum CRA (Collaborative Research Action) “Transformations to Sustainability” and its Evaluation

1. Aims of the Program

Climate change, environmental degradation and resource pressures have created unprecedented situations for societies worldwide. In particular, Low- and Middle- Income Countries (LMIC) are likely to be disproportionally affected by this. The slow progress on many pressing challenges of global environmental change and global development has led to increasing emphasis, both in research and policy, on the need to go beyond the study and encouragement of incremental change. Conventional knowledge and capacity building to tackle the challenges associated with sustainability have had some positive impacts but are ultimately not fully adequate. Consequently, there is growing attention to the need for more fundamental transformations in the way societies interact with each other and with the natural environment as the basis of sustainability. Societal transformations refer to profound and enduring systemic changes that typically involve social, cultural, technological, political, economic and environmental processes. A comprehensive and concerted research initiative is needed that can boost research on transformations to sustainability, and catalyse new kinds of solutions to environmental and social challenges.

2. Target research field

This programme has two major objectives:

The programme is structured around three themes. Every research project should focus on at least one of these themes.

Thematic areas:

Proposals on the above described specific research themes may also include one or both of the following cross-cutting issues:

Cross-cutting issues:

3. Participating countries

Belgium, Brazil, Chinese Taipei, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Latvia, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America

4. Eligibility

The following were eligible to receive support through this call:

5. Research Period

Up to 3 years

6. Amount of Funding (including indirect costs)

Up to JPY 8 million per project per year

7. Evaluation Process

Evaluation of proposals was conducted by an international Panel of Experts nominated by the Belmont Forum member organizations taking part in this joint call. The participating funding organizations then met to discuss the outcome of that evaluation and jointly decided on the projects to select for funding.

8. Evaluation Criteria

The following criteria were applied in evaluation of each proposal:

Scientific excellence - Quality of the transnational project

Quality and efficiency of the implementation and the management

Potential impact

JST, an integrated organization of science and technology in Japan, establishes an infrastructure for the entire process from the creation of knowledge to the return to the society. For more information, visit https://www.jst.go.jp/EN/