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Appendix 1

"FY2014 The Strategic International Collaborative Research Program (SICORP)"
Japan-France Collaborative Research Projects

Project Title Japanese
Position and Institution Abstract of Research Project
1 Molecular Photocathodes for CO2 reduction and H2 evolution
Osamu ISHITANI Professor,
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
This project aims to develop new molecular technologies for converting solar energy to chemical energy. The Japanese side will develop molecular catalysts and photocatalysts for CO2 reduction, and the French side will develop those for H2 evolution from water. These catalysts and photocatalysts will be adsorbed on p-type semiconductor electrodes, which will be developed mainly in Japan, and the photocatalytic abilities of the photocathodes will be investigated in both sides. The complementary collaboration of both sides will afford a novel type of photoelectochemical systems for solar energy conversion.
Vincent ARTERO Senior Researcher
The Laboratory of Chemistry and Biology of Metals,
CEA Grenoble
2 Molecular Materials for Mg Batteries
Masashi OKUBO Associate Professor, Department of Chemical System Engineering,
The University of Tokyo
This collaborative research project aims to develop novel molecule-based electrode materials for Mg batteries. The main obstacle slow kinetics of divalent Mg ion in a solid matrix, is tackled by adopting a molecular technology. The Japanese side evaluates the electrode performance of novel molecule-based materials, which are developed by the French side. The complementary collaboration of this project expands a present set of the electrode materials for Mg batteries, providing better understanding of thermodynamics/kinetics of divalent cation storage in a solid matrix.
Rodrigue LESCOUEZEC Professor,
Faculty of Chemistry, UPMC,
Sorbonne University
3 Molecular technologies for hybrid folded architectures
Hiroaki SUGA Professor,
Department of Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
This research program aims at generating novel hybrid 3D structural molecules. French team uses their unique knowledge and technology for designing polymeric high-order structural molecules and provides them to the Japanese team. The Japanese team uses their unique platform technology to rapidly screen high affinity ligands against the molecules provided by the French team. The combination of the expertise of both teams will create novel hybrid 3D structural molecules with new functions and open a new avenue for the research of biological polymer science.
Ivan HUC Co-director,
Institut Européen de Chimie et Biologie, Université de Bordeaux
4 Molecular Engineering and Controlled Assembly of Nano Objects built on porphyrins
Takashi HAYASHI Professor,
Department of Applied Chemistry,
Osaka University
The purpose of this research is to generate of new functionalized materials containing porphyrin moieties which are present in heme and chlorophyll as a cofactor of biological systems. The Japanese researchers will work on establishing the assembly technology using porphyrin moieties in proteins as a scaffold, while the French researchers will study on the molecular assembly of porphyrins and try to construct a molecular wire. Collaboration between the Japanese and French teams will successfully lead to the developing an excellent photoenergy-conversion device and hydrogen-evolution catalyst.
Jean WEISS Research Director,
The CNRS -
Universit de Strasbourg

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