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JST Press Release

March 08, 2017
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
5-3, Yonbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8666

Development of a Mechanism Capable of Accumulating Nanoparticles into Tumor Tissues by
Reacting with Tumors Possessing Higher Temperature
—Wish to Tumor Therapy without Side Effects—

Many cancer patients and their family desire the therapies without side effects earnestly. To perform the chemical therapies, an effective delivery of drugs to the tumor cells and tissues is of a great significance. In this study, we established a novel drug delivery system capable of accumulating thermo-responsive nanoparticles into tumors that are higher temperature than normal tissues. In a future, taking advantage this thermo-responsive DDS, a development of diagnoses and therapies without side effects are desire earnestly.

Program Information

Research Area “Molecular Technology and Creation of New Functions”
Research Theme “Development of Metal Free MRI Contrast Agents Enable to Assemble against Cancer by taking advantage of Cooperative Effect of Inter-Molecule Interaction”

Journal Information

Takeru Araki, Shuhei Murayama, Kazuteru Usui, Takashi Shimada, Ichio Aoki, and Satoru Karasawa. “Self-Assembly Behavior of Emissive Urea Benzene Derivatives Enables Heat-Induced Accumulation in Tumor Tissue”. Nano Letters, Published online 07 March 2017, doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b05371


[About Research]
Satoru Karasawa, Ph.D.
Associate Prof., Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University
URL: http://www.phar.kyushu-u.ac.jp/eng/

[About Program]
Sophia Saori Suzuki, Ph.D.
Manager, Green Innovation Group, Department of Innovation Research, JST


JST, an integrated organization of science and technology in Japan, establishes an infrastructure for the entire process from the creation of knowledge to the return to the society. For more information, visit http://www.jst.go.jp/EN/