[Yuki Sugiura] Understanding the basic principles of disease progression by novel molecular imaging technique of metabolic fluxes in vivo

PRESTO Researcher

Yuki Sugiura

Yuki Sugiura

School of Medicine, Keio University

Research Outline

The ultimate goals of my research are to understand the biochemical basis of disease progression and develop new therapeutic strategies. To reach these goals, it is necessary to characterize spatiotemporal changes in “cell metabolism” in vivo. Such characterization requires technical breakthrough including simultaneous identification of many compounds comprising metabolic systems, and quantitative analytical methods sensitive enough to detect low levels of metabolites in the heterogeneous regions of abnormal tissues and organs. I tackle this challenge by the innovative flux balance analysis using stable isotopes in combination with MALDI- imaging mass spectrometry, leading me to answer the questions including “in what anatomical regions of the organs or what specific cells or organelles are metabolic derangement occurring?” I believe that my approach enables me to understand the biological basis of disease, discover new diagnostic markers, and develop new therapy.

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