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村田 剛志
研究紹介 論文発表 プロフィール 受賞歴
村田 剛志
現在の所属: 東京工業大学大学院情報理工学研究科  助教授
応募時の所属: 国立情報学研究所情報学基礎研究系 助教授


氏   名 国内/
区分 表   題 発 表 先 発表日
村田 剛志 国内 論文 ハイパーリンクのグラフ構造に基づくWebコミュニティの洗練 人工知能学会誌 2002.5
村田 剛志 国内 口頭 サーチエンジンを利用した知識発見のための視覚化 情報処理学会 第128回知能と複雑系研究会 2002.5.23
村田 剛志 国内 口頭 ハイパーリンクの結合関係に基づくWebコミュニティの構造分析 第16回人工知能学会全国大会 2002.5.30
村田剛志 国内 口頭 正例と負例からのWebコミュニティ発見 電子情報通信学会 人工知能と知識処理研究会 2003.7.31
Tsuyoshi Murata 国際 口頭 Graph Mining Approaches for the Discovery of Web Communities First International Workshop on Mining Graphs, Trees and Sequences (MGTS-2003) 2003.9.22
Tsuyoshi Murata 国際 書籍 Toward the Discovery of Web Communities from Input Keywords to a Search Engine (出版社)IOS Press 未定

1990年3月  東京大学理学部情報科学科 卒業
1992年3月  東京大学大学院理学系研究科情報科学専攻 修士課程修了
1997年2月  博士(工学)取得 (東京工業大学)

1992年4月  東京工業大学工学部情報工学科 助手
1998年11月  群馬大学工学部情報工学科 助手
2000年4月  群馬大学工学部情報工学科 講師
2001年1月  国立情報学研究所情報学基礎研究系認知科学研究部門 助教授
2001年11月  科学技術振興事業団さきがけ研究21 研究員 (兼任)

1988-1992  自然言語処理
1992-  幾何定理の発見システム
1992-  図による推論
1998-  Webマイニング

3.研究業績 (2002年以降)
"Visualizing the Structure of Web Communities Based on Data Acquired from a Search Engine"
  Tsuyoshi Murata
  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 50, No. 5, October, 2003. (to appear)
"DIPS: Diagrammatic Arithmetic Problem Solver"
  Tsuyoshi Murata, Hiroki Kato, Masamichi Shimura, Masayuki Numao
  Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.33, No.6, pp.112-120, 2002.
  村田 剛志
  人工知能学会誌, Vol.17, No.3, pp.322-329, 2002.

"Toward the Discovery of Web Communities from Input Keywords to a Search Engine"
  Tsuyoshi Murata
  H. Motoda (Ed.),
"Active Mining -- New Directions of Data Mining", IOS Press, 95-101, 2002.

  情報処理, Vol.44, No.7, pp.702-706, 2003.
"特集 Webダイナミクス -- 膨大で動的なWeb情報の知的処理に向けて --"
  情報処理, Vol.44, No.7, pp.688-725, 2003.
  日本ファジィ学会誌, Vol.14, No.2, p.38, 2002.

"Discovery of Web Communities from Positive and Negative Examples"
  Tsuyoshi Murata
  Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Discovery
Science (DS2003), 2003.(to appear)

  村田 剛志
  人工知能学会全国大会(第17回)論文集CD-ROM, 2003.
  村田 剛志
  電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Vol.102, No.710, pp.1-4, 2003.
  村田 剛志
  第5回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ(IBIS2002), pp.125-132, 2002.
  村田 剛志
  人工知能学会全国大会(第16回)論文集CD-ROM, 2002.
"知識共生 --新しい知識流通の基盤を目指して--"
  武田英明, 市瀬龍太郎, 村田剛志, 本位田真一
  人工知能学会全国大会(第16回)論文集CD-ROM, 2002.
  村田 剛志
  人工知能学会研究会資料, SIG-KBS-A201, pp.117-122, 2002.




2001年5月  2000年度人工知能学会研究奨励賞
2001年5月  2000年度人工知能学会全国大会優秀論文賞
2002年5月  2001年度人工知能学会全国大会優秀論文賞

人工知能学会全国大会プログラム委員 (1997-1998, 2001-2003)
Program Committee Member of Machine Learning Conference (2000)
Program Committee Member of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (2002-2003)
Program Committee Member of IEEE International Workshop on Active Mining (2002)
第5回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ(IBIS2002)オーガナイズドセッション企画委員 (2002)
ベイジアンネットセミナーBN2002 実行委員 (2002)

1.Curriculum Vitae
Academic Qualifications
Mar. 1990 Graduated from Department of Information Science, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo
Mar. 1992 Graduated from Graduate School of Information Science, The University of Tokyo (Master Course)
Feb. 1997 Obtained Doctor's Degree in Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology
Employment History
Apr. 1992  Research Associate, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Nov. 1998  Research Associate, Gunma University
Apr. 2000  Lecturer, Gunma University
Jan. 2001  Associate Professor, National Institute of Informatics
Nov. 2001  Researcher of PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Corporation (concurrent post)

2.Research Field
1988-1992  Natural Language Processing
1992-  Discovery Systems for Geometrical Theorems
1992-  Diagrammatic Reasoning
1998-  Web mining

3.Research Activity (since 2002 year)
"Visualizing the Structure of Web Communities Based on Data Acquired from a Search Engine"
  Tsuyoshi Murata
  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 50, No. 5, October, 2003. (to appear)
"DIPS: Diagrammatic Arithmetic Problem Solver"
  Tsuyoshi Murata, Hiroki Kato, Masamichi Shimura, Masayuki Numao
  Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.33, No.6, pp.112-120, 2002.
"Refinement of Web Communities Based on Hyperlink Graph Structures"
  Tsuyoshi Murata
  Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Vol.17, No.3, pp.322-329, 2002.

"Toward the Discovery of Web Communities from Input Keywords to a Search Engine"
  Tsuyoshi Murata
  H. Motoda (Ed.), "Active Mining -- New Directions of Data Mining", IOS Press, 95-101, 2002.

"Web Community"
  Tsuyoshi Murata
  IPSJ Magazine, Vol.44, No.7, pp.702-706, 2003.
" Web Dynamics -- Towards Intelligent Processing of Huge and Dynamic Web Information --"
  Tsuyoshi Murata, Seiji Yamada
  IPSJ Magazine, Vol.44, No.7, pp.688-725, 2003.
"PageRank"(commentary on technical terms)
  Tsuyoshi Murata
  Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.14, No.2, p.38, 2002.

"Discovery of Web Communities from Positive and Negative Examples"
  Tsuyoshi Murata
  Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Discovery Science (DS2003), 2003.(to appear)

"Centralities of Web Communities"
  Tsuyoshi Murata
  Proceedings of the 17th Anuual Conference of JSAI, CD-ROM, 2003
"Towards the discovery of Web User Communities from Web Audience Measurement Data"
  Tsuyoshi Murata
  IEICE Technical Report, Vol.102, No.710, pp.1-4, 2003.
"Discovery of Communities in the Web"
  Tsuyoshi Murata
  Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Information-Based Induction Sciences(IBIS2002), pp.125-132, 2002.
"Structural Analysis of Web Communities Based on Hyperlink Connectivity"
  Tsuyoshi Murata
  Proceedings of the 16th Anuual Conference of JSAI, CD-ROM, 2002.
"Knowledge Symbiosis --Towards New Foundations for Knowledge Circulation--"
  Hideaki Takeda, Ryutaro Ichise, Tsuyoshi Murata, Shinichi Honiden
  Proceedings of the 16th Anuual Conference of JSAI, CD-ROM, 2002.
"Visualization for Knowledge Discovery Using a Search Engine"
  Tsuyoshi Murata
  JSAI SIG Notes, SIG-KBS-A201, pp.117-122, 2002.

4.Academic Society Membership
Member of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) (1990-), Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) (1990-), The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) (1998-), Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (JSSST) (1990-), American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (1994-), and Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (1990-)

5.Research Field
 The ultimate goals of my research are to clarify the mechanisms of human intelligent activities and to develop computer systems that have abilities of doing such activities. My research interests lies in Web mining, machine discovery of geometrical theorems, and diagrammatic reasoning. For the last few years, I am giving priority to the research of Web mining.

6.Research Aspiration
 There are billions of Web pages in the world. Attempts of intelligent processing for utilizing such Web information are interesting as research topics of information retrieval and artificial intelligence. Moreover, such attempts are quite important in order to actually develop systems that have abilities of providing necessary information to users. The goal of this research is to build systems that have abilities of discovering communities in the Web in order to make good use of huge and dynamic Web information.
 Discovery of a set of Web pages sharing common interests (Web communities), discovery of a group of users sharing common interests (user communities),and elucidation of the interaction between both communities are tackled in this research.

May 2001  Award for Research Encouragement of JSAI SIG Notes 2000
May 2001  Best Paper Award for JSAI Annual Conference
May 2002  Best Paper Award for JSAI Annual Conference

8.Activity for Academic Society and Public
Program Committee Member of JSAI Annual Conference (1997-98, 2001-2003)
Program Committee Member of Machine Learning Conference (2000)
Editorial Staff of IPSJ Magazine (2002-)
Program Committee Member of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (2002-2003)
Program Committee Member of IEEE International Workshop on Active Mining (2002)
Member of Planning Organized Session for the fifth Workshop of Information-Based Induction Science (IBIS2002) (2002)
Member of Executive Committee for Bayesian Network Seminar BN2002 (2002)

受賞日 授賞機関 受 賞 名 受賞タイトル
2002.5.30 人工知能学会 全国大会優秀論文賞 Webコミュニティにおけるコアメンバーの発見