松田 勝


受付日 発表タイトル 発表場所 備考
2003.01.06 The sex determining gene of medaka fish: a Y-specific DM-domain gene(DMY) is required for male development Third International Symposium on Vertebrate Sex Determination
2003.04.07 The sex determining gene of medaka : a Y-specific DM-domain gene(DMY) is required for male development 7th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish
2003.08.05 Y染色体特異的なDMドメイン遺伝子DMYはメダカの性決定遺伝子である 日本動物学会 第74回大会
2003.08.27 メダカ性決定遺伝子DMYの同定とその機能解析 日本遺伝学会第75回大会
2003.08.27 The sex determining gene of the teleost fish, medaka (Oryzias latipes) 第76回日本生化学会大会
2003.12.17 Sex determination in fish : lessons from the sex-determining gene of the teleost medaka, Oryzias latipes Development Growth and Differentiation
2004.05.24 メダカ生殖腺の器官形成〜未分化生殖腺からの精巣・卵巣形成 日本発生生物学会 第37回大会
2005.11.07 Expression of DMY and DMRT1 in various tissues of the medaka(Oryzias latipes) ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE
2005.11.07 The sex determining gene of medaka: a Y-specific DM-domain gene(DMY) is required for male development Fish physiology and Biochemistry
2005.11.07 Tow DM domain gene, DMY and DMRT1, involved in testicular differentiation and development in the medaka, Oryzias latipes Developmental Dynamics
2005.11.07 Sex determination in the teleost medaka, Oryzias latipes Annual Review of Genetics
2005.11.07 Testicular type Sox9 is not involved in sex determination but might be in the development of testicular structures in the medaka, Oryzias Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications