坪井 昭夫

東京大学 大学院 理学系研究科 助手
受付日 発表タイトル 発表場所 備考
2000.12.04 マウス嗅覚受容体遺伝子mor28クラスターの発現制御 第23回
2000.12.04 Monoalleic expression of odourant receptor gene and axonal projection of olfactory sensory neurons Genes to Cells
2001.02.06 Axonal Projection of Olfactory Sensory Neurons During the Developmental and Regeneratoin Processes Neuro Report
2001.06.25 Differential display screening of genes expressed in a zone-specific manner in the olfactory epithelium or in the olfactory bulb Gorden Research Conference on "Chemical Senses:Taste & Smell"
2001.12.03 嗅神経細胞の嗅球への投射における軸策の選別と収束 日本分子生物学会
2002.03.04 嗅覚受容体の発現に依存した嗅神経回路形成のメカニズム 日本味と匂学会誌
2002.05.22 Genomic analysis of the murine odorant receptor MOR28 cluster, a possible role of gene conversion in maintaining the olfactory map Gene
2003.07.03 Expression and projection of murine class Todorant receptors 第26回日本神経科学大会 
2004.01.05 Stomatin-related olfactory protein, SRO, specifically expressed in the murine olfactory sensory neurons Journal of Neuroscience
2004.01.05 O-MACS, anovel member of the medium-chain acyl-CoA synthetase family, specifically expressed in the olfactory epithelium in a zone-specific manner European Lournal of Biochemistry
2005.11.30 Sub-areal expression of the murine odorant receptor genes in the conventional zone of the olfactory epithelium and its correlation to the projection sites on the olfactory bulb The XIV International Symposium on “Olfaction and taste” Kyoto, Japan
2005.11.30 マウス嗅覚系の発生と分化 -レセプターの選択と軸索投射- 実験医学
2005.11.30 Regulation of expression of odorant receptor genes Handbook of the Senses-Olfaction and Taste(Elsevier)
2006.01.16 Olfactory sensory neurons expressing class I odorant receptors converge their axones on an antero-dorsal domain of the olfactory bulb in the mouse European Journal of Neuroscience