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Basic Research Programs Establishment of basic technologies for controlling of cell functions based on metabolic regulation mechanism analysis

Toppage  >  Publications:Hirao Team


| @1st, 2005@ |@ ŸTo 2nd, 2006 @|@ŸTo 3rd, 2007

Atsushi Hirao (Professor, Kanazawa University)

Investigating the mechanisms of cellular metabolism in regulating stem cell functions

Fiscal Year 2005

Research Paper List
A.Hirao Group
  • Ito K*, Hirao A*§, Arai F, Takubo K, Matsuoka S, Miyamoto K, Ohmura M, Naka K, Hosokawa K, Ikeda Y, Suda T§. Reactive oxygen species act through p38 MAPK to limit the lifespan of hematopoietic stem cells. Nature Med. 2006 12:446-451, 2006 *equally contributed, §corresponding author
  • Azuma M, Hirao A, Takubo K, Hamaguchi I, Kitamura T, Suda T. A quantitative matrigel assay for assessing repopulating capacity of prostate stem cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 338:1164-70. 2005
N.Goda Group
  • Fujii K, Sakuragawa T, Kashiba M, Sugiura Y, Kondo M, Maruyama K, Goda N, Nimura Y, Suematsu M, Hydrogen sulfide as an endogenous modulator of biliary bicarbonate excretion in the rat liver. Antioxid Redox Signal. 7, 788-794, 2005.
  • Sugiura Y, Kashiba M, Maruyama K, Hoshikawa K, Sasaki R, Saito K, Kimura H, Goda N, Suematsu M. Cadmium exposure alters metabolomics of sulfur-containing amino acids in rat testes. Antioxid. Redox Signal., 7, 781-787, 2005.
  • Suematsu M, Tsukada K, Tajima T, Yamamoto T, Ochiai D, Watanabe H, Yoshimura Y, Goda N. Carbon monoxide as a guardian against hepatobiliary dysfunction. Alcohol Clin. Exp. Res., 29, 134S-139S, 2005.
  • Ishikawa M, Kajimura M, Adachi T, Maruyama K, Makino N, Goda N, Yamaguchi T, Sekizuka E, Suematsu M. Carbon monoxide from heme oxygenase-2 is a tonic regulator against NO-dependent vasodilatation in the adult rat cerebral microcirculation. Circ. Res. 97, 104-14, 2005.
T.Suda Group
  • Okamoto R, Ueno M, Yamada Y, Takahashi N, Sano H, Suda T, Takakura N: Hematopoietic cells regulate the angiogenic switch during tumorigenesis. Blood 105: 2757-2763, 2005
  • Yuasa H, Oike Y, Iwama A, Nishikata I, Sugiyama D, Perkins A, Mucenski ML, Suda T, Morishita K: Oncogenic transcription factor Evi-1 regulates hematopoietic stem cell proliferation through GATA-2 expression. EMBO J 24: 1976-1987, 2005
  • Yagi M, Miyamoto T, Sawatani Y, Iwamoto K, Hosogane N, Fujita N, Morita K, Ninomiya K, Suzuki T, Miyamoto K, Oike Y, Takeya M, Toyama Y, Suda T: DC-STAMP is essential for cell-cell fusion in osteoclasts and foreign body giant cells. J Exp Med 203: 345-351, 2005
  • Hamaguchi I, Morisada, T, Azuma M, Murakami K, Kuramitsu M, Mizukami T, Ohbo K, Yamaguchi K, Oike Y, Dumont DJ, Suda T: Loss of Tie2 receptor compromises embryonic stem cell-derived endothelial but not hematopoietic cell survival. Blood, 107: 1207-13, 2006
  • Ito K, Hirao A, Arai F, Takubo K, Matsuoka S, Miyamoto K, Ohmura M, Naka K, Hosokawa K, Ikeda Y, Suda T: Reactive oxygen species act through p38 MAPK to limit the lifespan of hematopoietic stem cells. Nature Med. 12:446-451, 2006
T.Taga Group
  • Abematsu M, Kagawa T, Fukuda S, Inoue T, Takebayashi H, Komiya S, and Taga T. bFGF endows dorsal telencephalic neural progenitors with ability to differentiate into oligodendrocytes but not GABAergic neurons. J. Neurosci. Res., 83:731-743, 2006
  • Inoue T, Kagawa T, Fukushima M, Shimizu T, Yoshinaga Y, Takeda S, Tanihara H, and Taga T. Activation of canonical Wnt pathway promotes proliferation of retinal stem cells derived from adult mouse ciliary margin. Stem Cells, 24:95-104, 2006.
  • Yanagisawa M, Nakashima K, Ochiai W, Takizawa T, Setoguchi T, Uemura A, Takizawa M, Nobuhisa I, Taga T. Fate redirection of hippocampal astrocytes toward neuronal lineage by aggregate culture. Neurosci. Res., 53:176-182, 2005.
  • Yanagisawa M, Taga T, Nakamura K, Ariga T, and Yu. R K. Characterization of glycoconjugate antigens in mouse embryonic neural precursor cells. J. Neurochem., 95:1311-1320, 2005.
  • Mawatari Y, Fukushima M, Inoue T, Setoguchi T, Taga T, Tanihara H. Preferential differentiation of neural progenitor cells into the glial lineage through gp130 signaling in N-methy1-D-aspartate-treated retinas. Brain Res., 1055:7-14, 2005.
A.Iwama Group
  • Takayanagi S, Hiroyama T, Yamazaki S, Nakajima T, Morita Y, Usui J, Eto K, Motohashi T, Shiomi K, Keino-Masu M, Masu M, Oike Y, Mori S, Yoshida N, Iwama A*, and Nakauchi H. Genetic marking of hematopoietic stem and endothelial cells: Identification of the Tmtsp gene encoding a novel cell-surface protein with the thrombospondin-1 domain. Blood in press.
  • Matsubara A, Iwama A, Yamazaki S, Furuta C, Hirasawa R, Morita Y, Osawa M, Motohashi T, Eto K, Ema H, Kitamura T, Vestweber D, and Nakauchi H. Endomucin, a CD34-like sialomucin, marks hematopoietic stem cells throughout development. J. Exp. Med. 202, 1483-1492, 2005.
  • Kato Y, Iwama A, Tadokoro Y, Shimoda K, Akira S, Tanaka M, Miyajima A, Kitamura T, and Nakauchi H. Selective activation of STAT5 unveils its role in stem cell self-renewal in normal and leukemic hematopoiesis. J. Exp. Med. 202, 169-179, 2005.
  • Yuasa H, Oike Y, Iwama A, Nishikata I, Sugiyama S, Perkins A, Mucenski ML, Suda T, and Morishita K. Oncogenic transcription factor Evi-1 regulates hematopoietic stem cell expansion through the GATA-2 expression. EMBO J, 24, 1976-1987, 2005.

Fiscal Year 2006

Research Paper List
A.Hirao Group
  • Ito K, Hirao A*, Arai F, Takubo K, Matsuoka S, Miyamoto K, Ohmura M, Naka K, Hosokawa K, Ikeda Y, Suda T. Reactive oxygen species act through p38 MAPK to limit the lifespan of hematopoietic stem cells. Nature Med. 12:446-451, 2006 *Corresponding Author
  • Takubo K, Hirao A, Ohmura M, Azuma M, Arai F, Nagamatsu G, Suda T. Premeiotic germ cell defect in seminiferous tubules of Atm-null testis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 351:993-8. 2006
  • Ito K, Takubo K, Arai F, Satoh H, Matsuoka S, Ohmura M, Naka K, Azuma M, Miyamoto K, Hosokawa K, Ikeda Y, Mak TW, Suda T, Hirao A. Regulation of reactive oxygen species by atm is essential for proper response to DNA double-strand breaks in lymphocytes. J. Immunol. 178:103-10, 2007.
  • Zaugg K, Su YW, Reilly PT, Moolani Y, Cheung CC, Hakem R, Hirao A, Elledge SJ, Mak TW. Cross-talk between Chk1 and Chk2 in double-mutant thymocytes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104:3805-10. 2007
  • Miyamoto K, Araki YK, Naka K, Arai F, Takubo K, Yamazaki S, Matsuoka S, Miyamoto T, Ito K, Ohmura M, Chen C, Hosokawa K, Nakauchi H, Nakayama K, Nakayama KI, Harada M, Motoyama N, Suda T, and Hirao A. Foxo3a Is Essential for Maintenance of the Hematopoietic Stem Cell Pool. Cell Stem Cell, 2007, in press
T.Suda Group
  • Zhao C, Irie N, Takada Y, Shimoda K, Miyamoto T, Nishiwaki T, Ishikawa H, Suda T, Matsuo K: Bidirectional ephrinB2-EphB4 signaling controls bone homeostasis.Matsuo Cell Metabolism, 4: 111-121, 2006
  • Ito K, Hirao A, Arai F, Takubo K, Matsuoka S, Miyamoto K, Ohmura M, Naka K, Hosokawa K, Ikeda Y, Suda T. Reactive oxygen species act through p38 MAPK to limit the lifespan of hematopoietic stem cells. Nature Med. 12:446-451, 2006
  • Lee SH, Rho J, Jeong D, Sul JY, Kim T, Kim N, Kang JS, Miyamoto T, Suda T, Lee SK, Pignolo RJ, Koczon-Jaremko B, Lorenzo J, Choi Y. v-ATPase V(0) subunit d2-deficient mice exhibit impaired osteoclast fusion and increased bone formation. Nat Med, 12: 1403-1409, 2006
  • Nagamatsu G, Ohmura M, Mizukami T, Hamaguchi I, Hirabayashi S, Yoshida S, Hata Y, Suda T, Ohbo K: A CTX Family Cell Adhesion Molecule, JAM4, Is Expressed in Stem Cell and Progenitor Cell Populations of both Male Germ Cell and Hematopoietic Cell Lineages. Mol Cell Biol, 26: 8498-8506, 2006.
  • Miyamoto K, Araki YK, Naka K, Arai F, Takubo K, Yamazaki S, Matsuoka S, Miyamoto T, Ito K, Ohmura M, Chen C, Hosokawa K, Nakauchi H, Nakayama K, Nakayama KI, Harada M, Motoyama N, Suda T, and Hirao A. Foxo3a Is Essential for Maintenance of the Hematopoietic Stem Cell Pool. Cell Stem Cell, 2007, in press
N.Goda Group
  • Suganuma K, Tsukada K, Kashiba M, Tsuneshige A, Furukawa T, Kubota T, Goda N, Kitajima M, Yonetani T, Suematsu M, Erythrocytes with T-state-stabilized hemoglobin as a therapeutic tool for postischemic liver dysfunction. Antioxid Redox Signal. 8, 1847-1855, 2006.
T.Taga Group
  • Nobuhisa I, Ohtsu N, Okada N, Nakagata N, and Taga T. Identification of a population of cells with hematopoietic stem cell properties in mouse aorta-gonad-mesonephros cultures. Exp Cell Res., 313:965-974, 2007.
  • Ohtsu N, Nobuhisa I, Mochita M, and Taga T. Inhibitory effects of homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 2 on the aorta-gonad-mesonephros hematopoiesis. Exp. Cell Res., 313:88-97, 2006.
  • Abematsu M, Kagawa T, Fukuda S, Inoue T, Takebayashi H, Komiya S, and Taga T. bFGF endows dorsal telencephalic neural progenitors with ability to differentiate into oligodendrocytes but not GABAcidergic neurons. J. Neurosci. Res., 83:731-743, 2006.
  • Takizawa H, Kubo-Akashi C, Nobuhisa I, Sang-Mo Kwon, Iseki M, Taga T, Takatsu K, and Takaki S. Enhanced engraftment of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells by the transient inhibition of an adaptor protein, Lnk. Blood, 107:2968-2975, 2006.
A.Iwama Group
  • Kato Y, Koseki H, Vidal M, Nakauchi H, and Iwama A. Unique composition of polycomb repressive complex 1 in hematopoietic stem cells. Int. J Hematol. 85, 179-181, 2007.
  • Negishi M, Saraya A, Miyagi S, Nagao K, Inagaki Y, Nishikawa M, Tajima S, Koseki H, Tsuda H, Takasaki Y, Nakauchi H, and Iwama A. Bmi1 cooperates with Dnmt1 associated protein 1 in gene silencing. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 353, 992-998, 2007.
  • Oguro H, Iwama A, Morita Y, Kamijo T, van Lohuizen M, and Nakauchi H. Differential impact of Ink4a and Arf on hematopoietic stem cells and their bone marrow microenvironment in Bmi1-deficient mice. J Exp Med 203, 2247-2253, 2006.
  • Yamazaki S, Iwama A, Takayanagi S-I, Etoh K, Ema H, and Nakauchi H. Cytokine signals modulated via lipid rafts mimics niche signals and induce hibernation in hematopoietic stem cells. EMBO J. 25, 3515-3523, 2006.
  • Chiba T, Kita K, Zheng Y-W, Yokosuka O, Saisho H, Iwama A, Nakauchi H, and Taniguchi T. Side population purified from hepatocellular carcinoma cells harbors cancer stem cell-like properties. Hepatology 44, 240-251, 2006.

Fiscal Year 2007

Research Paper List
  • Miyamoto K, Araki YK, Naka K, Arai F, Takubo K, Yamazaki S, Matsuoka S, Miyamoto T, Ito K, Ohmura M, Chen C, Hosokawa K, Nakauchi H, Nakayama K, Nakayama KI, Harada M, Motoyama N, Suda T, and Hirao A. gFoxo3a is essential for maintenance of the hematopoietic stem cell poolh. Cell Stem Cell, 1, 101-112, 2007.
  • Takubo K, Ohmura M, Azuma M, Nagamatsu G, Yamada W, Arai F, Hirao A, Suda T. gStem cell defects in ATM-deficient undifferentiated spermatogonia through DNA damage-induced cell cycle arresth. Cell Stem Cell, 2: 170-182, 2008.
  • Ohtani N, Imamura Y, Yamakoshi K, Hirota F, Nakayama R, Kubo Y, Ishimaru N, Takahashi A, Hirao A, Shimizu T, Mann DJ, Saya H, Hayashi Y, Arase S, Matsumoto M, Kazuki N, Hara E. gVisualizing the dynamics of p21Waf1/Cip1 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor expression in living animalsh. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104: 15034-9, 2007.
  • Iwanaga A, Sato T, Sugihara K, Hirao A, Takakura N, Okamoto H, Asano M, Yoshioka K.@ gNeural-specific ablation of the scaffold protein JSAP1 in mice causes neonatal deathh. Neurosci Lett. 429:43-8, 2007.
  • Kubota Y, Takubo K, Suda T: gBone marrow long label-retaining cells reside in the sinusoidal hypoxic nicheh. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 366: 335-339, 2007
  • Ninomiya M, Abe A, Katsumi A, Xu J, Ito M, Arai F, Suda T, Ito M, Kiyoi H, Kinoshita T, Naoe T. gHoming, proliferation and survival sites of human leukemia cells in vivo in immunodeficient miceh. Leukemia, 21: 136-42, 2007.
  • Morita K, Miyamoto T, Fujita N, Kubota Y, Ito K, Takubo K, Miyamoto K, Ninomiya K, Suzuki T, Iwasaki R, Yagi M, Takaishi H, Toyama Y, Suda T: Reactive oxygen species induce chondrocyte hypertrophy in endochondral ossification.h J Exp Med, 204: 1613-23,@2007.
  • Hosokawa K, Arai F, Yoshihara H, Nakamura Y, Gomei Y, Iwasaki H, Miyamoto K, Shima H, Ito K, Suda T: gFunction of oxidative stress in the regulation of hematopoietic stem cell-niche interactionh. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 363: 578-83, 2007.
  • Yoshihara H, Arai F, Hosokawa K, Hagiwara T, Takubo K, Nakamura Y, Gomei Y, Iwasaki H, Matsuoka S, Miyazaki H, Takahashi T, Suda T: Thrombopoietin/Mpl signaling regulates hematopoietic stem cell quiescence and interaction with the osteoblastic nicheh. Cell Stem Cell, 1: 685-97, 2007.
  • Matsuoka S, Oike Y, Onoyama I, Iwama A, Arai F, Takubo K, Mashimo Y, Oguro H, Nitta E, Ito K, Miyamoto K, Yoshiwara H, Hosokawa K, Nagamatsu G, Nakamura Y, Gomei Y, Iwasaki H, Shima H, Hayashi Y, Matsuzaki Y, Nakayama K, Ikeda Y, Hata A, Chiba S, Nakayama K-i, Suda T: gFbxw7 acts as a critical failsafe against premature loss of hematopoietic stem cells and development of T-ALLh. Genes Dev, 2008, in press.
  • Fukuda S, Abematsu M, Mori H, Yanagisawa M, Kagawa T, Nakashima K, Yoshimura A, Taga T. gPotentiation of astrogliogenesis by STAT3-mediated activation of BMP-Smad signaling in neural stem cellsh. Mol. Cell. Biol. 27: 4931-4937, 2007.
  • Inoue T, Kawaji T, Inoue-Mochita M, Taga T, Tanihara H. gMedia conditioned by retinal pigment epithelial cells suppress the canonical Wnt pathwayh. Neurosci. Lett. 424: 190-193, 2007.
  • Chiba T, Zheng YW, Kita K, Yokosuka O, Saisho H, Onodera M, Ohkohchi N, Miyoshi H, Nakano M, Nakauchi H, Iwama A, and Taniguchi H. gExcessive self-renewal of hepatic stem/progenitor cells drives cancer initiationh. Gastroenterology 133, 937-950, 2007.
  • Oyama T, Harigaya K, Muradil A, Hozumi K, Habu S, Oguro H, Iwama A, Matsuno K, Sakamoto R, Sato M, Yoshida N, and Kitagawa M. gMastermind-1 is required for Notch signal-dependent steps in lymphocyte development in vivoh. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104, 9764-9769, 2007.
  • Takeuchi M, Nakaseko C, Miyagi S, Takeda Y, Ozawa S, Ohwada C, Cho R, Nishimura M, Saito Y and Iwama A. gClonal expansion of non-leukemic cells expressing two novel MLL-ELL variants differing in transforming activityh. Leukemia 2007 Sep 20; [Epub ahead of print].
  • Mizukami T, Kuramitsu M, Takizawa K, Momose H, Masumi A, Naito S, Iwama A, Ogawa T, Nose T, Hamaguchi I, and Yamaguchi K. gIdentification of transcripts commonly expressed in hematopoietic and germline stem cellsh. Stem Cells and Development 17, 67-80, 2008.

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