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@ Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST)@Strategic Sector: Creation of basic technology for the realization of leading edge measuring and analytical equipment through the development of new techniques, etc @
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Research Themes and representatives
Started in FY2004 Started in FY2005 Started in FY2006
S.Kawata S.Komiyama K.Suenaga K.Hono G.Mizutani
Plasmonic scanning analytical microscope

Satoshi Kawata
Professor, Osaka University

@We propose to develop a new analytical nanoscope that uses surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) as a nano-probe. SPPs are collective oscillation of electrons excited locally in metal nano structures. Our microscopy uses 1) locally enhanced electromagnetic field provided by SPPs and 2) perturbation of optical responses induced by the mechanical interactions between the probe and the sample with typical probe-applied force of the order of nano-Newton, which enables one to perform nano-analysis and imaging of nano-materials.
