Japan China and Korea


Contact: sicpck@jst.go.jp

1. Field of Cooperation

"Global issues and issues of concern in Northeast Asia that are critical to the region" (concluded in 2015)

The programs is started under SICP in the fiscal year 2009, and shifted to under SICORP in the fiscal year 2014.

Program Officer

2. Funding Agency of China Side

Ministry of Science and Technology (DOIC / MOST)

Funding Agency of Korea Side

National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

3. Related Workshops

4. Calls for Proposals

Calls for Proposals
Month/YearResearch AreasPress Release
Apr 2012 Energy Saving, Disaster Prevention, Water Cycle Detail

5. Currently in Cooperation

6. Finished Projects

Energy Saving

Period:FY2013 - FY2015

Energy Saving
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in China Research Leader in Korea
Innovative Energy Efficient Engine-Powertrain Control Technology for Road Vehicles Tielong Shen, Professor, Engineering and Applied Sciences, Sophia University Hui Xie, Professor, State Key Laboratory of Engines, Tianjin University Choongsik Bae, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Disaster Prevention

Period:FY2013 - FY2015

Energy Saving
TitleResearch Leader in Japan Research Leader in China Research Leader in Korea
East Asian Network Construction produces Global Hazardous Systems monitoring and assessing the long-range transported harmful bioaerosol by Asian dust (yellow sand) events. Teruya Maki, Associate Professor, Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University Bin Chen, Associate Professor, Laboratory of Cloud-Precipitation Physics and Severe Storm, Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Yang-Hoon Kim, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Chungbuk National University