ImPACT Program 量子人工脳を量子ネットワークでつなぐ高度知識社会基盤の実現


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US-Japan Workshop

Stanford大学にてUS-Japan Workshopを2015年12月10日-11日の2日間にわたり開催し、盛況のうちに終了いたしました。

日経コンピュータの取材を受け、US-Japan Workshopの記事が以下に掲載されました。
日経コンピュータ ITpro [シリコンバレーNEXTレポート] 量子コンピュータ開発が日米で加速、用途は人工知能
タイトル Title
New-Generation Computers: Quantum Annealing and Coherent Computing
日時 Date
December 10 - 11, 2015
場所 Venue
CIS-X Auditorium
Paul G. Allen Building
(also known as Center for Integrated Systems (CIS))
420 Via Palou Mall
Stanford, CA 94305-4070

The nearest visitor parking (Via Ortega Garage) is located at the corner of Via Ortega and Panama Street. There is no free parking on campus from 6am to 4pm. The visitor "A" permits are available at the registration desk in front of CIS-X Auditorium from 8am to 4pm on December 10 and 11. The visitor will scratch off the date and it has to be hanged from a rear-view mirror, facing out. The "A" permit is valid for one-full day for both "A" and "C" zones but not for "P"(pay) parking.

You can also purchase visitor permits at Stanford’s Parking and Transportation Services office. (No reimbursement will be made by Stanford University.)

<On-campus Shuttle buses - Marguerite>
The Marguerite is Stanford's free shuttle bus service, which travels around the Stanford campus and its vicinity. For details, see

<Nearby Accommodations>


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