Research Directors, Research Projects

HOME Research Directors, Research Projects Adopted FY2013 : Osamu Ishitani

Osamu Ishitani | Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Research Projects

Development of Molecular Technology for Solar
Energy Conversion to Chemical Energy

Research Project Outline

We are facing three serious problems, i.e., global warming and shortages of energy and carbon resources. If we will be able to develop new technologies for converting CO2 to useful carbon compounds with solar energy as photosynthesis of plants does, these three problems will be totally solved. In this project, we are developing molecular technology for metal-complex photocatalysts for CO2 reduction and hybridizeing them with semiconductor photocatalysts with strong oxidation power.

Research Director

Osamu Ishitani
Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology Web Site

Main Research Collaborators

Koike kazuhide
Senior Researcher, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Nozaki Koichi
Professor, University of Toyama

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