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Takashi SAKAJO


author(s) Takashi Sakajo (Hokkaido University)
title Fixed equilibria of point vortices in symmetric multiply connected domains
journal Physica D, vol. 241 (2012) pp. 583--599.
author(s) Takashi Sakajo (Hokkaido University)
title Equation of motion for point vortices in multiply connected circular domains
journal Proc. Roy. Soc. A , vol. 465 (2009) pp. 2589--2611 (2009/6)
author(s) Takashi Sakajo (Hokkaido University)
title From generation to chaotic motion of a ring configuration of vortex structures on a sphere
journal Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, (2009), doi: 10.1007/s00162-009-0116-7 (2009/6)
author(s) Takashi Sakajo (Hokkaido University)
title An extension of Draghicescu's fast tree-code algorithm to the vortex method on a sphere
journal Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 225 pp. 158--171 (2009/3/1)
author(s) ○Takashi Sakajo (Hokkaido Univerity), Paul K. Newton (University of Southern California, USA)
title Point vortex equilibria on the sphere via Brownian rachets
journal Proceeding Royal Society Series A, vol. 465 (2009) pp. 437--455, doi:10.1098/rspa.2008.0203 (2009/2)
author(s) Takashi Sakajo (Hokkaido University)
title Non self-similar, partial and robust collapse of four point vortices on sphere
journal Physical Review E, vol. 78 No. 1 (2008) (2008/7/1)
author(s) Takashi Sakajo (Hokkaido University)
title On a generalization of the Constantin-Lax-Majda equation
journal Nonlinearity,vol.21(2005)pp.2447--2467. (2008)

Oral presentations

presenter(s) Takashi Sakajo (Hokkaido University)
title Mathematical modelings for multiply connected channel flows (invited)
meeting Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium(JAFoE) (2009.11.11-14)
presenter(s) Takashi Sakajo (Hokkaido University)
title Dynamics of point vortices in multiply connected domains
meeting Applied Mathematics Seminar at The University of Sheffield (2009/3/4)
presenter(s) Takashi Sakajo (Hokkaido University)
title Blow-up and global solutions for systems related to the Constantin-Lax-Majda equation
meeting Applied Mathematics Seminar (The University of Warwick, UK) (2009/2/4)
presenter(s) Takashi Sakajo (Hokkaido University)
title Motion of a ring structure of point vortices on sphere
meeting Applied Mathematics Seminar (Imperial college London, UK) (2008/12/3)
presenter(s) Takashi Sakajo (Hokkaido University)
title Motion of a ring structure of coherent vortices on a sphere with pole vortices
meeting IUTAM Symposium "150 Years of Vortex Dynamics" (Lyngby and Copenhagen, Denmark) (2008/10/14)
presenter(s) Takashi Sakajo (Hokkaido University)
title The N-vortex problem on sphere.
meeting SP2RC Seminar at the University of Sheffield (2008/10/10)
presenter(s) Takashi Sakajo (Hokkaido University, Department of Mathematics)
title Motion of a ring structure of coherent vortices on a sphere (invited)
meeting Analytical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 2008 -- vortex flows, biological systems and related topics - (2008/6/25)
presenter(s) ○ Takashi Sakajo (Hokkaido University, Department of Mathematics), Kazuyuki Yagasaki (Gifu University, Department of Engineering)
title A chaotic motion in the N-vortex problem on sphere
meeting The 3rd East Asia SIAM Conference (2007/11/2)




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