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About CRDS


Environment and Energy Unit

Energy and environment are fundamental and critical components for sustainable development of human society. In the aspect of energy issue, the aim of society is to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emission and reliable and affordable energy supply simultaneously. In the aspect of environmental issue, the aim of society is to maintain and develop harmonization of human and nature. We survey wider range of issues related to energy and environment including S&T trends, STI policies and strategies, national and international, social circumstances, and industrial activities. We also exchange opinions with people from private, public and academic sectors in the survey. Based on these, we develop proposals on future directions of R&D policies and strategies in energy and environmental field for Japan.

Systems and Information Science and Technology Unit

Systems and information science and technology is the foundation for a sustainable society. It consists of information and system technology, such as artificial intelligence, big data, robotics, security and systems science for social system design. In order to contribute to the realization of a vision of Society 5.0, the Systems and Information Science and Technology unit proposes strategies for research and development and social innovation, by overviewing the trend and the implication of technology, society and economy.

Nanotechnology / Materials Unit

Nanotechnology/Materials is a field of science and technology that aims to create materials and devices with useful functions through the design and control of micro-structures at atomic or molecular level and the elucidation and control of the phenomena that occur there. It works as an innovation engine that opens up the frontiers of diverse fields such as environment and energy, life health care, information and communications (ICT), and electronics. In order to accelerate the R&D of Nanotechnology/Materials, this unit makes proposals not only of important R&D programs but also of R&D strategies for effective funding system, human resource development, globalization, and collaboration among government, academia, and industry.

Life Science and Clinical Research Unit

Life Science and Clinical Research unit covers a wide range of basic life science and applied life science/technologies, with a view to accelerating future life innovation and green innovation. Our unit helps promote inter-disciplinary collaboration between academia, industry, and government to sectors to develop novel clinical/medical/bio industrial/agricultural products and services.

Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Unit

This Unit focuses on STI policy and system which go beyond boundaries disciplines and specialties. Current activities include; 1)drawing "panoramic view maps" on STI policies in Japan, investigating 2)'Science of Science and Technology Innovation Policy', 3) rational research funding system, 4) scientific advice on policymaking process and 5) effective cooperation between natural sciences and 'social sciences and humanities' (SSH).

Overseas Research Unit

The Overseas Research Unit provides reports on a timely basis to introduce the latest S&T and innovation policies released by overseas government agencies. We also conduct timely analyses of the latest information on overseas S&T policies that are of Center's interest and useful for the development of the national S&T and innovation policy.


  • SciREX : Science for RE-designing Science, Technology and Innovation Policy